View Full Version : Superstars Report / Results - 17th Apr, 2015

04-18-2015, 09:16 PM
Superstars Report / Results - 17th Apr, 2015
Location: London, England
Announcers: Michael Cole and Byron Saxton

Zack Ryder vs Heath Slater

They lock up and Ryder with a waist lock. Slater with a standing switch but Ryder with a reversal into an arm bar and Slater gets to the ropes. Slater pushes Ryder and Ryder with a drop kick. Ryder with arm drags into an arm bar. Slater with a knee but Ryder with a face plant and flap jack. Ryder gets a near fall. Slater with an Irish whip and Ryder tries to float over but Slater with a kick. Slater with a jumping leg lariat for a near fall.

Slater with kicks to Ryder and a knee drop followed by a reverse chin lock. Ryder with punches but Slater with a forearm to the back. Slater with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Slater punches Ryder with a suplex attempt but Ryder lands on his feet and he hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Ryder punches Slater but Slater sends Ryder into the corner. Slater runs into knees from Ryder and Ryder with a missile drop kick that sends Slater into the corner.

Ryder with a running forearm followed by the Broski Boot. Slater blocks a Rough Ryder attempt with a power bomb for a near fall. Slater gets another near fall. Slater argues with the referee and then he goes up top. Ryder crotches Slater and then Ryder with a super rana followed by the Rough Ryder for the three count.

Winner: Zack Ryder

We see footage from the golf outing that took place during Wrestlemania Week.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Wade Barrett accepting John Cena’s challenge on Raw and Rusev’s post match attack.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at Roman Reigns’ interview on Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Curtis Axel tells us not to change the channel because AxelMania is running wild. He has been in the Royal Rumble for more than 80 days. It took 29 people to eliminate him in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. The Road to AxTreme Rules goes through R Truth.

Curtis Axel vs R Truth

Axel and Truth try to get the crowd behind them and Truth is sent over the top rope by Axel. Axel does not realize Truth lands on the apron and while Axel tries to rip off his shirt, Truth sends him over the top rope to the floor. Truth with a drop toe hold when Axel gets back into the ring. Truth with punches.

Truth sends Axel into the turnbuckles but Axel with a knee to the midsection and a punch to the head. Axel kicks and punches Truth. Truth holds on to the ropes and he does some dancing but Truth with a split and a punch to Axel. Truth with a punch and he climbs the turnbuckles to punch Axel but Axel is able to hot shot Truth on the top rope. Axel kicks Truth and the referee warns him.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Axel with a reverse chin lock and he punches Truth in the head. Truth with a punch and kick followed by a European uppercut. Axel with a drop kick. Axel with a forearm to the back of the head and he gets a near fall. Axel with a reverse chin lock. Axel pulls Truth to the mat by the hair and he punches Truth.

Axel chokes Truth in the ropes and the referee warns him. Axel kicks Truth in the head and ribs. Axel with a kick to the chest followed by a punch. Axel with a knee to the back and a rear chin lock. Truth punches Axel but Axel with a knee and forearm to the back. Axel mocks Truth’s dance but Truth with a jumping leg lariat. Axel runs into an elbow from Truth.

Truth with a clothesline and kick followed by a sit out gourdbuster. Truth misses a Stinger Splash and Axel with a kick and running knee to the head. Axel gets a near fall. Axel kicks Truth in the head and taunts him. Truth with the Lie Detector for the three count.

Winner: R Truth

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the end of Raw when the stipulations for the WWE Title Match at Extreme Rules was determined.

We go to credits.