View Full Version : Pro Wrestling NOAH “GLOBAL TAG LEAGUE WAR 2015“, 4/20/2015

Shootkick Man
04-21-2015, 12:43 AM
Pro Wrestling NOAH “GLOBAL TAG LEAGUE WAR 2015“, 4/20/2015 [Mon] 19:00 @ Shinjuku FACE in Tokyo

(1) Taiji Ishimori vs. Genba Hirayanagi vs. Jon Webb
◆Winner: Ishimori (4:05) with a 450゜Splash on Webb.
(2) Daisuke Harada & Captain NOAH vs. Zack Sabre Jr. & Jack Gamble
◆Winner: Harada (9:32) following a Diving Elbow Drop on Gamble.
(3) Taichi [NJPW] & TAKA Michinoku [K-DOJO] vs. Atsushi Kotoge & Hitoshi Kumano
◆Winner: Taichi (9:52) with a Taichi style Liger Bomb on Kumano.
~ Taichi continues to insult the NOAH junior division, as he took out Kumano with Kotoge vying to prove that NOAH is strong.

(4) Super Crazy, Mitsuhiro Kitamiya, Kenoh & Hajime Ohara vs. Mikey Nicholls, Shane Haste, Chris Hero & Colt Cabana
◆Winner: Hero (13:10) following a Rolling Elbow on Kitamiya.

(5) GTL B BLOCK Match: Muhammed Yone & Daisuke Ikeda vs. Akitoshi Saito & Quiet Storm
◆Winner: Yone (13:17) following a Lariat on Storm
~ Yone/Ikeda [2 wins = 4 points]
~ Saito/Storm [1 loss = 0 points]
~ Muhammed Bombers claim the early lead in the B Block.

(6) GTL B BLOCK Match: Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Shelton “X“ Benjamin & Brian Breaker
◆Winner: Archer (12:10) following the Killer Bomb on Breaker.
~ Archer/Smith [1 win, 1 loss = 2 points]
~ Benjamin/Breaker [1 loss = 0 points]
~ The reigning GHC Tag Champions claim a much needed win after starting off the league with a loss.
~ Breaker appears to have officially become a member of Suzuki-gun.
~ All 4 men raised their hands as they all represent the same group, but at the end of the day they are all competing to prove/solidify themselves.

(7) GTL A BLOCK Match: Takashi Sugiura & Masato Tanaka vs. Maybach Taniguchi & Maybach #2
◆Winner: Tanaka (13:03) following the Sliding D on Maybach #2.
~ Sugi/Tanaka [2 wins = 4 points]
~ W Maybach [1 loss = 0 points]
~ Dangan Yankees now take the lead in the A Block as they look to claim a consecutive GTL victory.

(8) Minoru Suzuki [Pancrase MISSION], Takashi Iizuka & El Desperado [both NJPW] vs. Naomichi Marufuji, Katsuhiko Nakajima [DIAMOND RING] & Yoshinari Ogawa
◆Winner: Marufuji (15:47) following the Ko-oh on Desperado.
~ Maru, Katsu, and Ogawa proved to work well together as they claimed a much needed win over SZKG.