View Full Version : WWE RAW Results 5/25/15

05-26-2015, 04:21 AM
Seth Rollins comes out with the rest of The Authority and talks about how Dean Ambrose doesn’t deserve a title shot, and they should take it away. Triple H says they have a verbal agreement, but they need something in paper, so Ambrose needs to come sign the contract. Ambrose comes out and says they have to appreciate his imagination, and they might think he’s a lunatic, but they’re looking at the new WWE Champion. Ambrose starts talking about making changes, then Rollins says that’s enough and he is going to put him down for good at Elimination Chamber.

Rollins calls him a cockroach and he’s daring him to ENTER the ring, so Ambrose says it’s stupid and crazy, but says ‘why not’ and walks down the ramp. Roman Reigns comes out and Stephanie cuts them off, and says Ambrose has until the end of the night to sign the contract. She says she still can make the main event, between Rollins and Kane versus Ambrose and Reigns, but it’s going to happen now!

Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins & Kane

Ambrose gets a few strikes in early, then Reigns tags in but Rollins takes him down and APPLIES a headlock. Ambrose comes back with a Thesz press, then he hits a bulldog and clotheslines Rollins to the floor. Ambrose hits a suicide dive, then Kane runs over but Reigns punches him in the mouth. We get back from a break to see Reigns connect with some strikes and a Superman punch, then Rollins tries to attack Ambrose but gets caught with Dirty Deeds for the surprise win.

Rusev vs R-Truth

Rusev makes short work of Truth, and hits him a few times, then hits a thrust kick and makes him tap to the Accolade.

Winner – Rusev

Rusev asks Lana to please come to the ring, and he says he won’t leave until she talks to him. Lana finally makes her way out and says she’s waiting, and Rusev says she needs to let him explain. Rusev says she does things for attention like other women, and they want to crush America’s spirit. Rusev asks her to take his hand and they can forgive each other, and she embraces him and he smiles. He says all he needs is for her to say she was wrong, but Lana shoots him a look and leaves.

Rusev says she was wrong, but Lana says she isn’t, because he said he quit, and he calls Lana a liar. Rusev says he tried being nice but she needs to learn her place, and she needs to get back here because he owns here. Lana gets back in the ring and says no, he’s a liar and a quitter, and she doesn’t belong to anyone so she’s done listening to his thick-headed and moronic mouth! Lana leaves as Dolph Ziggler makes his way out, and they make out while Rusev flips out in the ring.

Dean Ambrose is approached by Triple H and Seth Rollins, and he is arrested by some cops, and led out of the arena.

Ryback vs Bad News Barrett

Ryback hits a quick powerslam and calls for a Meathook, but Wade rolls outside and slams Ryback ribs first into the barricade. Wade stomps Ryback and sends him into the ringpost, then kicks Ryback’s injured ribs and gets a two count. Wade heads up top and elbows Ryback, then he hits Winds of Change and calls for a Bullhammer. Ryback can’t make it to his feet so Wade slaps him, and Ryback psyches up, hitting a spinebuster and Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner – Ryback

Stardust vs Neville

Stardust stomps Neville and TARGETS his knee, then Bo Dallas makes his way out and cheers for Neville. He claps as Neville kicks Stardust in the face a few times, then he hits Red Arrow for the win.

WINNER– Neville

Bo says Neville can pick himself back up if he just BO-lieves, then dropkicks Neville’s injured knee and leaves.

The Entourage cast is shown talking to some of the Divas, and they talk about having a party. Kevin Connolly is shown talking to Zack Ryder about a big idea, and says it needs to happen tonight. Kevin says it’s the last show for the Long Island Coliseum, and Zack needs to do this because it’ll be great. He sees the Divas and jokes about going to the party, and Zack says ‘Are You Serious, Bro’, and Kevin tells everyone else to listen up.

Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler

Sheamus stomps Dolph and chokes him, then he whips him outside and slams him into the barricade as Lana makes her way out. We get back from a break to see Dolph avoid White Noise and a Brogue Kick, and he hits a Famouser for two. Rusev comes out and stares at Lana, then runs to the ring to go after Dolph. He gets on the apron but Dolph superkicks him, and Sheamus uses the distraction to hit a Brogue Kick for the WIN.

WINNER– Sheamus

Rusev attacks Dolph after the bell and stomps him, then he APPLIES the Accolade and screams ‘kiss her now’ as Lana watches.

John Cena comes out and cuts a promo about how he has his fans and critics, but they might hear a new chant on Sunday. He says ‘Fight Owens Fight’ doesn’t guarantee WIN Owens Win’, and Kevin Owens can start a fight, but they’ll see if he can win one.

Cena issues his open challenge, but the Entourage cast comes to the ring and Cena says if it’s open to anyone, they need to choose one guy to fight. Kevin says they would love to, but they are actually here to introduce a Superstar – Zack Ryder!

United States Challenge Open
Zack Ryder vs John Cena (c)

Cena gets some shots in early on, then Zack kicks Cena and goes for a Broski Boot, but Cena rolls away. Cena hits a sitout side slam and goes for a Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Kevin Dillon runs in and yells at Cena. Adrian pulls him out of the ring but Zack uses the distraction to slam Cena down with an Unprettier, then he hits a Broski Boot and gets a two count. Zack calls for a Rough Ryder and connects for two, then he heads up top and goes for a 450 splash, but Cena rolls away and hits an Attitude Adjustment for the win.

Winner – John Cena

Cena gets up and raises Zack’s hand, then the Entourage cast shakes hands with both men and they celebrate. Everyone goes to leave, but Kevin Owens runs in from behind and kicks Cena, then drops him with a pop up powerbomb and steps on the US Title.

Tamina (w/ Naomi) vs Paige

Tamina hits Paige a few times before Paige lands a few kicks, then she slams Tamina’s head a few times and hits a thrust kick. Tamina rolls outside and Paige takes her out with a somersault dive, but Naomi hits Paige behind the ref’s back, and Tamina hits a Samoan drop for the win.

Winner – Tamina

The New Day comes out and complains about being persecuted for being positive, then Big E runs the crowd down. Kane says he doesn’t want to hear them complain, so they will face ALL of their Elimination Chamber MATCHPARTICIPANTS in a 10-on-3 handicap match.

10-on-3 Handicap Match
The New Day vs Los Matadores, Prime Time Players,
The Ascension, Lucha Dragons, Tyson Kidd & Cesaro

Woods runs his mouth a little too much and everyone jumps him, then we get a brawl with Lucha Dragons clearing the ring. The New Day is back in the ring, and Cesaro and Kidd take them out and celebrate.

Result – No Contest

BP: That was a complete waste. Naturally, we will probably get the same MATCH on Smackdown.
The Authority comes to the ring and talks about how Dean Ambrose viciously attacked an employee, and the police took action. They play things up more than it needs and say Ambrose isn’t here, so he’s not getting a title shot. Roman Reigns rushes out and attacks, but he is quickly outnumbered and stomped down on the mat. Reigns makes a comeback but Kane takes him down with a chokeslam, then Ambrose shows back up with the paddy wagon he was taken away in, and heads to the ring with some night sticks!

Ambrose takes everyone down and goes after Rollins, then clotheslines Kane before Rollins regains the advantage. Rollins takes the night stick, but Reigns stops him and he and Ambrose attack Rollins before Reigns spears J&J. Kane whips Reigns outside but Reigns rebounds with a Superman punch, and Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds. The Authority retreats up the ramp, and Reigns hands Ambrose the contract, and signs it to make his title match official.