View Full Version : Noah 6/13 Results

Shootkick Man
06-14-2015, 02:06 AM
NOAH “Mitsuharu Misawa Memorial Tour 2015 ~ Mitsuharu Misawa Memorial Night”, 6/13/2015 [Sat] 16:00 @ Hiroshima Green Arena(1) Captain NOAH, Zack Sabre Jr. & Shiro Tomoyose vs. Jon Webb, Jack Gamble & Sakigake [DOVE]
◆Winner: Sabre (6:54) with a Cross Armbar on Sakigake
(2) Muhammed Yone & Daisuke Ikeda [Fu-ten] vs. Takuma Sano [FREE] & Hayato Aijima [FREE]
◆Winner: Yone (6:02) following a High Kick (Ikeda) and Lariat (Yone) on Aijima.
(3) Katsuhiko Nakajima, Taiji Ishimori & Atsushi Kotoge vs. Kenoh, Hajime Ohara & Mitsuhiro Kitamiya
◆Winner: Nakajima (7:29) following the Twister on Ohara.

(4) GHC Junior Tag Championship Matrch: [24th Champions] TAKA Michinoku & El Desperado vs. [Challengers] Genba Hirayanagi & Hitoshi Kumano
◆Winner: Desperado (15:07) with a Diving Body Press on Kumano.
~ 3rd successful title defense.
~ Lack of team experience between the challengers was apparent as a miscue between the two saw Kumano eating a ShoryuGenba, which this aided the champions in their defense.
(5) GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship Match: [29th Champion] Taichi vs. [Challenger] Daisuke Harada
◆Winner: Taichi (12:58) following a High Kick to the Taichi style Gedo Clutch.
~ 3rd successful title defense.
~ Taichi used ever trick in the book to claim the win, final moments saw TAKA & Desperado controlling the ref with Taichi being thrown the belt, in which he pelted Harada.
~ The entire NOAH junior roster came out to confront the Suzuki-gun champions.
~ Taichi belittled all of them as he continued to call Suzuki-gun juniors the strongest period.
(6) Mikey Nicholls vs. Shane Haste
◆Winner: Nicholls (11:56) with the Mikey Bomb.
~ A solid match between TMDK as they showcased a more than solid match against each other. Respect was shown between the two following the contest.
[Extra: Been rumblings that the two could be on their way out as they were noted at being at the WWE Developmental Center here just recently. “IF” that is indeed the case, today’s singles match being a so-called “semi-last” showcase/highlight for them. As talented as the two are I would think it would be almost a guarantee that they would be hard to overlook. - BushidoRX]
(7) Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Chris Hero & Quiet Storm
◆Winner: Archer (12:06) following the Killer Bomb on Storm.
~ K.E.S. with the win over Hero’s team. TAKA jumped into the ring as Suzuki-gun stood over Hero before the GHC Tag defense that is set for the 6/19. Archer/Smith vs Hero/Cabana
(8) Minoru Suzuki, Takashi Iizuka & Shelton X Benjamin vs. Maybach Taniguchi, Takashi Sugiura & Akitoshi Saito
◆Winner: Sugiura (15:42) following the Olympic Qualifying Slam on Iizuka.
~ Saito took out Suzuki with a backdrop which then led to Sugiura having the opening to take out Iizuka.
~ Even in loss tonight, Suzuki still claimed Suzuki-gun to be #1.
~ Saito and Sugiura with a show of respect to each other and to the late Misawa before they left the arena.
(9) Mitsuharu Misawa Memorial Match: Naomichi Marufuji, Yuji Nagata [NJPW] & Masao Inoue [FREE] vs. Genichiro Tenryu [Tenryu Project], Yoshinari Ogawa & Yoshihiro Takayama [FREE]
◆Winner: Takayama (15:37) with the Everest German Suplex Hold on Inoue.
~ Akira Taue with a portait of Misawa, Toshiaki Kawada, and Kenta Kobashi then came out to close the show with a final offering to the late Misawa.
~ A large Misawa chant started as Spartan X, Misawa’s theme, played throughout the arena.
~ The Four Heavenly Kings appear in the ring with Kawada also holding Misawa’s wrestling boots.
~ Stan Hansen then got into the ring as well to stand with the veterans in the ring.
http://41.media.tumblr.com/d476f3587b7d449cab0d386896624e6f/tumblr_inline_npvpp0WNWM1qhf2de_500.jpg~ All the wrestlers, albeit Suzuki-gun, came out to stand around the ring while the fans threw streams into the ring.