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View Full Version : Vince/Joey Styles Incident At Royal Rumble, JR Update

02-09-2006, 12:06 AM
- PWInsider reports that right after Joey Styles walked through the curtain at the end of the Royal Rumble PPV, Vince McMahon grabbed him and took him aside and gave him another verbal beating. It was previously reported that Vince doesn’t like how Joey Styles puts more emphasis on wrestling moves than over the storylines.

This isn’t the first time that Vince has complained to Styles, and before him, Coach was the one getting the heat from Vince.

There is a feeling backstage that WWE hadn’t realized what they had with Jim Ross until he was gone. Whether Ross would ever consider coming back or not is unknown Ross is pretty much financially set right now, and is likely not very happy with what WWE did to him when he left. There is however still a contract sent to him by WWE which we don’t have anything new on right now


What is it with Vince, Joey Styles is doing a great job commentating in the wwe right now and I think that he has made Raw his own and most people have forgotten about JR.So vince does not like it well to bad the ratings are showing that the fans do so what is the problem?

02-09-2006, 12:08 AM
Damn Vince! That's his problem! He doesn't know what the fans want! Joey's doing a great job!

02-09-2006, 03:19 AM
thats bullshit joey is the best commentary we have currently.