View Full Version : Lucha Underground Report June 24, 2015

Shootkick Man
06-26-2015, 12:50 AM
The show opened with a video package featuring Drago, Fenix, and Catrina.

Opening credits rolled which brought us to The Temple to begin the show.

Announcers: Vampiro welcomed the audience to the show. Striker recapped the attack from Alberto El Patrón from last week and he announced that Alberto would face Mundo at Ultima Lucha.

In-ring: Santos introduced Sexy Star already in the ring. Her opponent tonight is Super Fly. Striker then threw to a video of an interview between Vampiro and Super Fly.


Fly slapped Star then she chopped him back. Fly kicked her down and went for a pin. Fly then threw Star to the mat and kicked her back. He shoulder blocked her then pulled on her mask. Fly continued his dominance with a drop kick. Star got up and landed a fury of kicks. Fly quickly reversed the momentum. Star finally blocked a strike from Fly and went for an inside cradle.

Fly slapped Star when he got to his feet. He dropped Star with an Attitude Adjustment like move and landed and elbow. Star throw Fly to the outside then hit a cross-body. They briefly brawled on the outside then Star hit a cross body in the ring followed by an arm drag in the ring. She stomped on Fly then hit a leg drop. Star hit a suplex with a bridge, then Fly kicked her down again. He hit a powerbomb followed by a sit-down powerbomb for the win.

WINNER: Super Fly at 6:37 with a sit-down powerbomb.

Post-match: Fly tried to rip of Star's mask until she escaped.


Video: Video hyping Drago in action tonight.

In-ring: Santos introduced Pentagon, Jr. to the ring as the first competitor for the next medallion. Pentagon grabbed the mic and said he's not interested in the medallion he said he wants to take out Vampiro. He demanded Vampiro step in the ring and face him now. Vampiro stood up and Pentagon grabbed his shirt. Vampiro pushed him off then unbuttoned his shirt. The referee broke up the two while the fans cheered for Vampiro.


2 -- CAGE vs. THE MACK vs. AEROSTAR vs. MARTY 'THE MOTH' MARTINEZ - Four-Way match for a medallion match

Early on, Mack brawled with Cage and AeroStar fought Marty. Mack clotheslined Cage and clobbered him outside of the ring. AeroStar cornered Marty and drove his knee into his face. Marty broke free and hit a clothesline. He then dove to the outside onto Cage and and Mack. AeroStar bounced off of the ropes to the outside onto Mack and Marty.

AeroStar jumped onto Cage, but Cage caught him and tossed him to the outside. Cage hit a suplex on Marty for a two count. Mack came in the ring and slammed Cage, then ran into a dropkick from AeroStar. AeroStar landed a springboard dive, then fell into a Samoan Drop from Mack followed by a standing moonsault.

Marty hit a big boot on Mack. Marty armdragged Mack, then dropkicked him into the corner. Cage came in the ring and hit a devastating clothesline on Mack, then hit a Musclebuster on Marty. AeroStar dropkicked Cage, who hit a double clothesline on AeroStar and Marty. Mack pulled Cage to the outside, then he flipped over Cage onto the apron and dove onto Cage. But, back in the ring, AeroStar hit a springboard dive for the win.

WINNER: AeroStar at 9:07.


Backstage: The trios tag champions while training together. They briefly bickered with each other. Catrina interrupted them and said that death is coming for all three of them. Then, in a very cheesy fashion the disciples of death appeared behind them with lightning edited in. Catrina took the hand of Mil Muertes and the camera showed the champions laying on the ground.

[ JD's Reax: Without a shadow of a doubt that was the cheesiest, most orchestrated backstage segment in Lucha Underground. ]

In-ring: Santos introduced Drago to the ring. Hernandez attacked Drago from behind and whipped him with his belt multiple times. Nobody came to help Drago, then Hernandez walked away.


3 -- MIL MUERTES (w/Catrina) vs. DRAGO - #1 contenders match for the Lucha Underground championship match at Ultima Lucha.

They locked up, then Mil rammed Drago into the corner. Drago tried to suplex Mil, but Mil reversed the position. Drago climbed the turnbuckle then slammed Mil. Mil hit a belly to belly suplex then stomped Drago. Mil clotheslined Drago in the corner multiple times. Drago head scissors send Mil into the corner then Mil speared Drago across the ring. Mil picked up Drago, then hit a DDT. Muertes chopped Drago on the ropes, then Drago battled back and knocked Mil out of the ring.

Drago climbed to the top and leaped onto Mil, but he slammed Drago into the ringpost, then into the crowd. Striker said this match was suddenly No DQ? The crowd chanted 'This is awesome,' 'Holy S---,' then 'We want tables.' Mil brought Drago over to the table and powerbombed him on top of it giving the audience exactly what they asked for.

Drago made a comeback with a DDT, then both men were down. Drago hit a springboard move, then Mil rolled through and beat down Drago. Mil hit the Flatliner for the win.

WINNER: Mil Muertes at 8:51.

Post-match: Catrina licked Drago, then Prince Puma stared down Mil and held up his title.