View Full Version : Vince Russo Blogs About Creative Teams

Shootkick Man
07-03-2015, 01:29 AM
Vince Russo published a new blog entry on CrsWrstling.com about the wrestlers in the locker rooms of both WWE and TNA for dealing with the promotions creative direction. Here is an excerpt from his entry:

From a creative standpoint in wrestling nowadays, the problem is that ALL the writers involved are writing neither RAW, nor IMPACT, with any sense of pride whatsoever. If they say they are—they’re simply lying. What that really means is this—after the show has aired—there is NO WAY that they can be proud of their work. Yes, they did their job in writing the show, but no, neither “effort” (and I use that term loosely) from the RAW, and IMPACT writers, was anything that anybody will remember.

But, here’s the amazing thing to me—no matter how bad the material seems to get, the talent is there performing—balls to the wall—100% of the time. If the creative staffs involved had even 1/10th of the pride the wrestlers have when they’re performing in that ring—the show would at least be “watchable.”

For this, I stand up and applaud all the men and women who lace up a pair of boots for a living. You never see a talent call it in—NEVER—no matter how bad the angle, or the story–they go out there every week and leave it all in the middle of the ring with the best performance that they are capable of.