View Full Version : Hulk Hogan new sex tape reveal: Now he rants are about gay people

07-28-2015, 06:34 PM
Well, as it turns out, in addition to his rant against black people, Hulk Hogan isn’t overly fond of gay people either.

In what is turning into a daily event, Radar Online has posted the latest from the sex tape that Hulk Hogan was recorded in with Heather Clem, without his consent. In today’s shot to what’s left to Hogan’s national image

In talking about what the network wanted for the Season Four finale of “Hogan Knows Best”, Radar quotes Hogan as saying to Heather Clem on the tape: “VH1 wanted me to do a big thing and go back to the house I grew up in. So we knock on the door and a big f*g lives there now!” He continues, “This half-gay was enamored with Linda,” speaking about his now ex-wife.

The story also notes that Bubba The Love Sponge, Heather Clem’s husband at the time and matchmaker for the tryst, walked into to the room while they were, well, you know. Hogan was still married to Linda at the time and told Bubba, “Dude, the only thing I will ever ask of you … I don’t know how you will pull this off … is, if I am ever on my death bed, you cannot let Linda come and visit me.”

Not for nothing, but that would be the second thing you asked of him since you were, well, in bed doing the first thing you asked of him Hulk.

To his credit, after yesterday's embarrassments on Twitter, Hogan hasn't tweeted in almost a day as of this writing. He really should continue his silence.


From Radar Online:

A New Low! Hulk Hogan Spits Vile Homophobic Slurs In Latest Rant From Leaked Audiotape — The Last Straw For Fans?

Hulk Hogan‘s ‘N’ Word rant was just the beginning. Only days after the former wrestler’s disgusting racist tirade was exposed to the world, RadarOnline.com and The National ENQUIRER –– in a joint investigation –– can reveal that he was ALSO caught on tape unleashing a sickening diatribe against gay people!

In a shocking world exclusive that will surely destroy the disgraced wrestler’s legacy once and for all, Radar and The ENQUIRER have learned that the same unauthorized sex tape that included Hulk’s bigoted attack against black people also features a disgusting section in which he unleashes the ‘F’ word and more disturbing homophobic slurs.

Hulk, born Terry Bollea, is heard discussing his VH1 reality show, Hogan Knows Best, with former sex tape partner Heather Clem — the wife of his former friend, Bubba “The Love Sponge” Clem.

A conversation that starts innocently enough quickly turns sickening!.

“VH1 wanted me to do a big thing and go back to the house I grew up in,” Hulk says, discussing the Season Four finale of his show.

“So we knock on the door,” he continues, “and a big f*g lives there now!”

Undeterred, the 61-year-old continued with his disgusting homophobic bile. “This half-gay was enamored with Linda,” he sniffs, of his ex-wife.

In the episode, which aired in October 2007, Hulk was seen visiting the Port Tampa home where he was raised by parents Peter and Ruth Bollea.

The home’s new owner welcomed him under his roof, and even gave the wrestler turned reality star a small metal truck — that he supposedly found in the garden when he moved in — and that once belonged to a young Hulk.

But the homeowner is not the only one Hulk dragged through the mud of his hate. Continuing his bitter rant on the audiotape, he then tears apart his wife, Linda, to whom he was still married at the time.

As his pal Bubba enters the room, Hulk declares: “Dude, the only thing I will ever ask of you … I don’t know how you will pull this off … is, if I am ever on my death bed, you cannot let Linda come and visit me.”

Perhaps as a reflection of their views on marriage, Bubba and wife Heather — with whom Hulk filmed a covert sex tape — respond by giving him a thank you card for attending their wedding.

Linda had yet to file for divorce at the time the audio recording was made, but it’s clear from Hulk’s comments that their marriage was over!

Hulk goes on to bring up his residence in Las Vegas, which he had bought for $4.25 million and watched grow in value to $5 million.

“If I get divorced, Linda will make me sell it,” he laments on the tape.

But he had a plan — and it involved SoBe Entertainment mogul Cecile Barker, the same man he slammed as a “black billionaire” and ‘N’ word elsewhere on the tape.

“F**k it,” Hulk can be heard saying. “Cecile will buy it and give it back to me after the divorce!”

Clearly unbothered by the idea of asking for a favor from a man he would defame with hate speech, Hulk was equally unperturbed when his friend Bubba unleashed racist slurs of his own.

Handing the wrestler a surprise gift, a pair of inscribed “Hulk Hogan” Oakley sunglasses, Bubba can be heard on the tape saying: “Who’s your n***a? I have something for you. Who’s your n***a?”

When Radar and The ENQUIRER first exposed Hulk’s racist rants, he was quick to issue an apology.

“Eight years ago, I used offensive language during a conversation,” he declared. “It was unacceptable for me to have used that offensive language; there is no excuse for it; and I apologize for having done it.”

“This is not who I am,” Hulk added. “I believe very strongly that every person in the world is important, and should not be treated differently based on race, gender, orientation, religious beliefs or otherwise. I am disappointed with myself that I used language that is offensive and inconsistent with my own beliefs.”

Ironically, Hulk previously spoke out against homophobia when he was accused by ex-wife Linda of having his own gay affair with fellow wrestler Brutus Beefcake.

“It’s tough because a lot of my friends in normal life, a lot of my friends in the entertainment business, and a lot of my friends in the wrestling business are gay,” he said in 2012.

“If it was true and I was gay, I’d embrace it, and I’d tell you guys about it, and I’d celebrate it.”

He later sued Linda for defamation over those claims and others, but the case was ultimately dismissed.

You can read the original article by clicking here (http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/hulk-hogan-homophobic-rant-revealed-audiotape-transcript-racist-n-word/).