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View Full Version : WWE Live Event Results From Tallahassee (8/30)

08-31-2015, 07:27 PM
WWE live event results from tonight's show in Tallahassee, Florida:

* Ryback beat Big Show to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Ryback ate a chokeslam and knockout punch but barely got Show up for Shellshocked to win.

* Bo Dallas came out for a promo about Bo-lieving but Cesaro's music interrupted. Pretty good standard match with Cesaro hitting a Swing and Neutralizer for the win.

* Natalya beat Emma with the Sharpshooter. Decent Divas match with lots of trading holds and moves.

* Luke Harper comes out and talks about how The Wyatt Family is stronger and better than ever with the addition of Braun Strowman. Harper demands someone be sent to get destroyed and out comes Chris Jericho to a huge pop. Jericho got the win with a Codebreaker.

* Randy Orton beat Sheamus with a RKO while Sheamus was talking trash on the mic. Orton got a pop bigger than Jericho here.

* Neville beat Stardust with Red Arrow.

* R-Truth came out rapping but was attacked by Heath Slater. Slater took the mic and said we were about to see the fastest match ever... he turned around to a kick from Truth for the win.

* The Lucha Dragons beat Los Matadores with El Torito, who tried to interfere but it backfired.

* Roman Reigns beat Bray Wyatt in a Street Fight that felt like they were phoning it in big time. Luke Harper came in at the end but Reigns hit a Superman punch. The lights went out and Braun Strowman appeared. Reigns nailed him with rights and lefts but he took them and went to choke Reigns out. R-Truth and Neville both ran down for the save but they also got taken out by Braun. Ryback ran down next and hit a Meathook on Braun. Reigns followed up with a Superman punch on Braun and a spear on Wyatt for the win.