View Full Version : K-DOJO 9/6 Results

Shootkick Man
09-07-2015, 03:03 PM
K-DOJO “CLUB-K SUPER in TKP”, 9/6/2015 [Sun] @ TKP Garden City Chiba
428 Spectators (overcrowded)

Embedded image permalink(1) Rookie Debut Match: GO Asakawa vs. Kyu Mogami
[GO浅川 GO Asakawa: 173cm, 85kg, from Osaka City]
[最上九 Mogami, Kyu (9): 174cm, 80kg from Tozawa-mura, Mogami, Yamagata Prefecture]
◆Winner: Asakawa (4:54) with a Northern Light Suplex Hold.

(2) Hi69 [FREE] & Yoshihiro Horaguchi vs. Kunio Toshima & Yuma
◆Winner: Hi69 (6:50) with the Stuka Splash on Yuma.

Embedded image permalink(3) Shiori Asahi, Ayumu Honda & Bambi vs. Ricky Fuji, Taishi Takzawa & Kotaro Yoshino
◆Winner: Yoshino (10:41) with an Avalanche Hold on Honda.

Embedded image permalink(4) UWA World Middleweight Contendership Match: Kaji Tomato vs. Daigoro Kashiwa vs. Hiro Tonai
◆Winner: Kaji (10:10) with the Speed.
~ Kaji becomes the next contender for the UWA belt, which is held by Yuki Sato.

(5) Independent World Junior Heavyweight Championship Match: [22nd Champion] Isami Kodaka vs. [Challenger] Ryuichi Sekine
◆Winner: Isami (14:07) following the Isami-ashi.
~ 8th successful title defense.
~ Respect was shown between the two following the match.

(6) STRONGEST-K TAG Championship: [29th Champions] TAKA Michinoku & MEN’S Teioh vs. [Challengers] Kengo Mashimo & Yuki Sato
◆Winner: Yuki (19:13) with the New Tornado Clutch on Teioh.
~ Champions fall on their first title defense. Mashimo & Yuki become the 30th generation champions.

(7) CHAMPION OF STRONGEST-K Championship: [19th Champion] Yuji Hino vs. [Challenger] Tank Nagai
◆Winner: Tank (16:58) following a Diving Senton.
~ Champion falls on his second title defense. Tank becomes the 20th generation champion.
~ Yuki Sato aided with a distraction which set up Tank to claim the huge upset.
~ Magatsuki now holds both STRONGEST-K belts.


K-UP IMPACT 8, 9/17/2015 [Thu] 19:00 @ Shinjuku FACE in Tokyo

() Hiro Tonai & Kotaro Yoshino vs. Masaya Takahashi & Shota Nakagawa [both ASUAK]
() Tank Nagai vs. Bear Fukuda [SECRET BASE]
() Ryuichi Sekine vs. Kotaro Suzuki [AJPW]
() Kaji Tomato & Shiori Asahi vs. Naoya Nomura & Yuma Aoyagi [both AJPW]
() Taishi Takizawa vs. TARU [FREE]
() Kengo Mashimo & Yuma vs. Takashi Sasaki & Jun Kasai [both FREEDOMS]
() Yuji Hino & Yoshihiro Horaguchi vs. Shiro Koshinaka & Yutaka Yoshie [both FREE]