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10-05-2015, 04:13 AM
TNA Bound For Glory 2015

TNA X-Division Championship
Ultimate X
- DJ Z vs. Tigre Uno vs. Manik vs. Andrew Everett

After the lengthy video package intro, the TNA Bound For Glory 2015 pay-per-view kicks off with classic X-Division action, as the popular Ultimate X starts off the TNA Bound For Glory 2015 pay-per-view from Charlotte, North Carolina.

Out comes the competitors for the opening Ultimate X contest, including DJ Z, Tigre Uno, Manik and the newcomer in this mix, Andrew Everett.

Straight from the word "go," all of these guys are flipping and flying all over the place, to the delight of the fans here in Charlotte, North Carolina.

There are more high spots and near falls than any human being would ever dare try and keep track, however when all was said and done, Uno managed to retain his X-title in what was a very typical, but very awesome TNA pay-per-view opening bout.

Winner and NEW TNA X-Division Champion: Tigre Uno

After The Match: A familiar face returns!

After what was an action-packed, exciting opening bout for TNA Bound For Glory, out of nowhere, Gregory Helms (Shane Helms, The Hurricane) comes out to the ring. Uno, still the TNA X-Division Champion, remains in the ring. Helms eventually makes it to the ring and he stares down Uno. Finally, he grabs Uno's arm and raises it in the air, giving the TNA X-Champ his veteran stamp of approval.

Ethan Carter III Hypes Tonight's Main Event

TNA World Heavyweight Champion Ethan Carter III makes his way to the top of the stage. He cuts a promo and hypes tonight's TNA title main event for Bound For Glory 2015. He says that Drew Galloway and Matt Hardy's title aspirations die tonight in Charlotte, North Carolina. EC3 lets out a Ric Flair style "Woooo!" after reminding everyone that he debuted at Bound For Glory two years ago, and how B.F.G. is in his blood.

Bound For Gold Gauntlet Match:
Mr. Anderson vs. Jessie Godderz vs. Eli Drake vs. Al Snow vs. Aiden O'Shea vs. Robbie E vs. Mahabali Shera vs. Tyrus vs. Chris Melendez vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Abyss vs. The Pope

After EC3's on stage promo, we head back to the ring for our second match of the evening, which is another multiple person bout, as our Bound For Glory Gauntlet Match is up next.

The bell rings and all four guys immediately go at it. Our fans here in Charlotte, North Carolina are loving every minute of it!! We're ten minutes into the match now, there have been so many entrances and eliminations, it's hard to keep track of, however anyone who spent any amount of time in this contest officially -- is listed in the bold header directly above. The action, however, is non-stop and we've even had some surprise entrants in the match.

The match comes down to the final two opponents, Tyrus and Mr. Anderson and the two stare each other down and immediately go at it. The two brawl for about three minutes where Tyrus hits the big splash for the 1, 2, 3.

Tyrus wins the Bound For Gold Gauntlet match, which leads to TNA champ EC3 coming down to the ring. He puts over Tyrus for his win and says that's why he hired him, to watch his back. EC3 says with the win, Tyrus can challenge any champ he wants, but it won't be him because they are going to team up and go after the tag team championship.

After talking for a few seconds, Tyrus finally reveals that he's not interested in tag titles and will in fact go after EC3 for the title, EC3 looks shocked, music plays and that ends this segment.

Winner of the TNA Bound For Gold Gauntlet 2015: Tyrus

TNA Tag-Team Titles
Trevor Lee & Brian Myers vs The Wolves

We head back to the ring for the third match of the evening, which will be for the TNA Tag-Team Titles. Out first is the team of Trevor Lee and Brian Myers. Out next, The Wolves as their music sounds and they make their way to the ring.

The bell rings and the match begins. Early on in the match, Lee and Myers get in a little bit of offense, but it isn't long until The Wolves take over control of the match. Both teams trade leads in the offense, but for the most part, The Wolves have been in control.

Davey Richards hits a super-plex on Myers off the top rope, leading to a superkick and a pin from Eddie Edwards. With the win The Wolves retain their tag-team title.

Winners and STILL TNA Tag-Team Champions: The Wolves

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Drew Galloway

Backstage, TNA's own Jeremy Borash catches up with Drew Galloway, one of the competitors in tonight's Bound For Glory main event. Galloway talks about competing for the TNA title on their biggest show of the year and the late addition of Hardy to the match.

King Of The Mountain Title
- Bobby Lashley vs. Bobby Roode

We head back to the ring after the quick backstage interview with Galloway. Out first comes MMA Heavyweight contender and TNA star Bobby Lashley. His opponent, Bobby Roode, the King Of Mountain Champion, makes his way out next.

These guys take their time as the bell sounds to officially kick off the next match here at Bound For Glory. Neither guy spends any real time in firm control. Lashley hits a big spear for our first close near fall of the contest. Roode gets his own near fall in, however Lashley survives.

Finally, Roode gets Lashley down and locks him in a crossface submission attempt. Lashley finally escapes and hits Roode with his own "Roode Bomb" finisher. Lashley stalks Roode as he struggles to get back to his feet, however Roode catches Lashley coming in with a spear and eventually hits Lashley with a Roode Bomb for the 1-2-3. With the win, Roode retains the King Of The Mountain title.

Winner and STILL King Of The Mountain Champion: Bobby Roode

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Matt Hardy

Backstage, J.B. catches up with another one of tonight's three main event participants, which this time happens to be Matt Hardy. Hardy plays to the local fanbase, quite a bit more than you'd even expect actually, and closes by promising to win the title tonight.

Earl Hebner Inducted Into TNA Hall Of Fame

Smashing Pumpkins frontman and TNA executive Billy Corgan makes his way to the ring here in Charlotte. Corgan references last night's TNA Hall Of Fame induction of legendary wrestling referee Earl Hebner. A big, elaborate video package airs to honor possibly the most well-known name in the history of wrestling, as far as referees are concerned. With that being said, the cool video package ends and Corgan introduces Hebner to the live audience. Earl Hebner enters the ring looking happy as all hell. Hebner soaks in the honor a bit and then we move on.

TNA Knockouts Championship
- Awesome Kong vs. Gail Kim

The video package airs for our next match of the evening, which will be a Knockouts bout for the TNA Knockouts Championship. Out first comes Awesome Kong, immediately followed by our current champ, Gail Kim.

As you would expect, early on, Awesome Kong is dominating the offense in this TNA Knockouts Championship match. Kong hits a splash for a close nearfall.

The action spills out to the floor, as Kong is now finding weapons to make Kim's night worse than it has been already. As the ref argues with Irving, Kong slams Kim into a chair on the outside and makes her way back into the ring, leaving Kim on the floor outside of the ring. The ref begins to count Kim out.

Kong makes her way back to the floor and throws Kim back into the ring where Kong continues to dominate the match. Kong goes to the top rope where Kim hits her with her finisher and rolls her up for the 1-2-3 to retain the championship.

Winner and STILL TNA Knockouts Champion: Gail Kim

Eric Young vs. Kurt Angle

We go back to the ring for our next bout at TNA Bound For Glory in Charlotte, North Carolina. Out first comes Eric Young followed by his opponent for this evening, the legendary Kurt Angle.

Before the bell can hit, Young takes to the mic for some pre-match comments. The crowd chants "Angle, Angle". Young calls himself God and threatens to end Angle's career tonight, forever, giving Angle one last chance to forfeit.

Angle picks up the mic and agrees that Young is possibly the only person that might end his career, and explains that's why he won't be just wrestling Young tonight, but it will be an "anything goes, no disqualification" match. The bell rings and the match begins.

Both men immediately take the fight outside of the ring and over the barricade and begin to fight through the audience. The fight makes its way back into the ring, action packed here in the beginning. Young nails Angle with a piledriver. Angle instantly rolls out of the ring holding his neck as he is still recovering neck surgery.

EMS comes out to check on Angle, the doctor tells the ref to call off the match. Angle is helped back to his feet by EMS and is helped up the ramp. Young begins to clear the EMS medical staff using physical force and quickly turns his attention back to an injured Angle, insisting that the match continue despite Angle's condition. Just like he warned him in the beginning of the match.

Angle tries to fight through the pain as the match goes back outside of the ring. Angle suplexes Young as he gains momentum and throws Young back into the ring. Young, however, instantly takes control back in the match delivering more punishment to a grounded Angle who was having trouble standing on his own.

Shockingly, Angle starts to fire up, blasting Young with a series of German Suplexes and then an Angle Slam. The fans start to rally behind Angle just as Young starts to fight back. Young with a flying elbow drop following several stomps to the back of Angle's surgically repaired neck. Angle catches Young with his Ankle Lock submission finisher.

Young struggles and finally makes it to the ropes only to remember that there are no DQ's in this match. Angle yanks him back to the middle of the ring and applies the hold even tighter, eventually Young taps out. Great match, worth watching Angle, who is still clearly one of the best in the business.

Winner: Kurt Angle

TNA World Title
Special Referee: Jeff Hardy
Ethan Carter III vs. Drew Galloway vs. Matt Hardy

Finally, we reach our moment! It's time for tonight's main event of the evening, which will be contested for Ethan Carter III's TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

Out first comes the champ himself, EC3, as he makes his way down to the ring accompanied by Tyrus. Tyrus is eventually booted from the ringside area. Matt Hardy and Drew Galloway make it to the ring, as does Jeff Hardy, who wearing face paint, will serve as the special referee for this main event contest.

Early on, EC3 doesn't seem to have much help, as we all know he likes, however he manages to take out Hardy and Galloway with a pair of dropkicks. EC3 sets up a table, pulling Galloway to the top of the stairs, Galloway counters with a backdrop onto the stairs.

The action returns back to the ring where the announcers put over EC3's injured back after Galloway's backdrop on the stairs outside of the ring. Now they go back to the table that was set up outside of the ring earlier in the match. EC3 puts Galloway on the table and then takes Matt Hardy and suplexes him onto Galloway and both go through the table.

The brawl resumes inside of the ring where all three guys seem revived and the pace of the action picking up with all three going at it, as opposed to two of the guys battling it out while the third is off selling somewhere off-camera.

Now, all three guys are down and slowly struggling to make it back to their feet. The fans are rallying a bit now, sensing that this main event and show as a whole, is about to come to a close. All three guys trade punches from their knees. They all get to their feet and they do some more sequence-type stuff with all three guys.

We get to a point where EC3 has both guys down and grabs a steel chair. As he enters the ring, referee Jeff Hardy stops him. EC3 yells and orders Jeff to take the chair and hit Matt. He slaps Jeff. Jeff loses his cool and bashes him with the chair. Hardy catches Galloway with his finisher and covers him as his brother Jeff counts 1-2-3. We have a new TNA World Champion.

Winner and NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Matt Hardy

After The Match: Part Celebration, Part Controversy

Hardy's wife, Reby Sky, joins him in the ring as he celebrates his world title victory here at TNA Bound For Glory 2015, right in the heart of Hardy Country, Charlotte, North Carolina. Jeff and other Hardy family members enter the ring for one final emotional scene. We see a quick shot of EC3 flipping out and complaining to Dixie Carter and other TNA executives. On that note, TNA Bound For Glory 2015 officially wraps up.