View Full Version : CM Punk Says The Susan G. Komen Foundation Is A Scam

10-06-2015, 06:33 PM
WWE has partnered up with the Susan G. Komen foundation once again to raise money for the fight against breast cancer. Just prior to Monday’s RAW, Punk went on a rant about the Komen organization, calling them a scam and encouraging fans to do research about where the money they donate is going.

For those unaware, Komen has been under fire for years because such a small percentage of the money they raise (close to 20%) actually goes to breast cancer research and treatments while their executives collect big salaries. Punk tweeted:

If you're going to give money to a company that claims to raise money for finding a cure for cancer, please do some research.Komen is a scam

— Coach (@ CMPunk) October 6, 2015