View Full Version : New Foley Book

Dangerous Incorporated
09-29-2006, 06:11 AM
New Foley Book

The Wrestling Observer reports that Mick Foley is currently finishing up his third book about his career. The book is expected to pick up where his second one finished.

Expect a cheap Foley plug soon. Guess he'll be turning face sometime soon then especially if he's being penciled in to vs. Nitro at WM.

09-30-2006, 04:44 AM
LOL I guess I have one think to add to my christmas list.

~Burning Hitman~
09-30-2006, 05:09 AM
I never bought a wwe book

09-30-2006, 05:12 AM
I had the first Foley book. never got any of the other ones. I actually enjoyed his book and wish I still had it.