View Full Version : Zero1 Results 11/1

Shootkick Man
11-02-2015, 02:18 PM
Pro Wrestling ZERO1, 11/1/2015 [Sun] 12:30 @ Shinkiba 1stRING in Tokyo

(1) UN Heavy Contendership Match: Yoshikazu Yokoyama vs. Billy Alexander
◆Winner: Yokoyama (7:55) following a Death Valley Bomb.
(2) Mineo Fujita & Sean Guinness vs. TARU & Masakado
◆Winner: Guinness (7:15) with a School Boy on Masakado.

(3) UN Heavyweight Championship Match: [23rd Champion] Toshiki Itakura vs. [Challenger] KAMIKAZE
◆Winner: KAMIKAZE (7:59) with a Moonsault Press.
~ Champion falls on his 2nd title defense. KAMIKAZE becomes the 24th generation champion.
~ KAMIKAZE reclaims the belt that he lost, which was due in part to the referee’s decision.

(4) Masato Tanaka vs. Yusaku Obata
◆Winner: Tanaka (16:37) following the Sliding D.
~ Tanaka put over Obata following the match, but still made a point that Obata still has to push himself even further.

(5) Shinjiro Otani, Tatsuhito Takaiwa & Koji Kanemoto vs. Ikuto Hidaka, “brother” YASSHI & Buffa
◆Winner: Otani (15:42) with the Spiral Bomb on Hidaka.
~ It was made official that Hidaka will take on Kanemoto in a singles match on 11/3.

(6) Ryoji Sai & James Raideen vs. Daisuke Sekimoto & Kazuki Hashimoto [both BJW]
◆Winner: Sai (16:11) following the Nachi no Taki on Kazuki.
~ Sai called out for a challenge for the BJW Tag belts.
~ It was made official that he and KENSO will get a shot at the tag belts on 11/23 at Shinkiba.

(7) World Heavyweight Championship Match: [1t8h Champion] Kohei Sato vs. [Challenger] Hideki Suzuki
◆Winner: Hideki (15:35) following a Double Arm Suplex Hold.
~ Champion falls on his 5th title defense. Hideki becomes the 19th generation champion.
~ Hideki declared that he will accept any and all challengers as he aims to be a strong champion.


Pro Wrestling ZERO1, 11/3/2015 [Tue] 17:00 @ Osaka City Hirano Kumin Hall

() Sean Guinness vs. Billy Alexander
() Masato Tanaka & Toshiki Itakura vs. Yusaku Obata & Mineo Fujita
() Kohei Sato & Kenichi Fujii vs. KAMIKAZE & Masakado
() Hideki Suzuki & Yoshikazu Yokoyama vs James Raideen & Ryoji Sai
() Ikuto Hidaka vs. Koji Kanemoto

(-) NWA International Light-Heavyweight Tag Championship Match: [Champions] Shinjiro Otani & Tatsuhiko Takaiwa vs. [Challengers] “brother” YASSHI & Buffa

ZERO1, 11/23/2015 [Mon] 12:30 @ Shinkiba 1stRING in Tokyo

() Masato Tanaka vs. Yusaku Obata
() UN Heavyweight Championship Match: [24th Champion] KAMIKAZE vs. [Challenger] Yoshikazu Yokoyama
~ 1st title defense.
() NWA Intercontinental Tag Championship Match: [Champions] Kohei Sato & Daisuke Sekimoto vs. [Challengers] Ryoji Sai