11-05-2015, 09:09 PM
Jonathan Coachman just broke the following news:

"@TheCoachESPN: BREAKING: Last night in Dublin, IRL, wwe champion @WWERollins suffered right ACL/MCL/medial meniscus tears; out 6-9 months."

"@TheCoachESPN: .@WWE to hold tournament at #SurvivorSeries to crown a new #WWE World Heavyweight Champion."

Big Evil
11-05-2015, 10:19 PM
Holy crap I feel so bad for Rollins. This guy's future is so bright and it sucks to see him go down with such a nasty injury. I think we may indeed see Reigns become the new World Champion. Guess Survivor Series just became a must-see PPV.

Shootkick Man
11-05-2015, 11:16 PM
I would put my money on him. I mean who else is there at this point. I would to see Owens end up with it but then you have a guy holding 2 belts again. This would be a good time to start using Valor and Joe. My be have a Rollins Joe tourney final for the belt.

Big Evil
11-05-2015, 11:28 PM
I have a feeling it will go to Reigns but then we run into the issue the WWE has dug themselves into... there isn't main event level talent to challenge for the title because they refuse to elevate anyone. John Cena is taking time off and Rollins is the only heel that they feel comfortable being in the main event scene. Randy Orton is wanting to work a reduced schedule and so the options become limited especially with guys like Owens tied up with holding the IC title. I want to see some great things happen but it won't as long as the ideals of Vince McMahon are held up and they refuse to push anyone that doesn't look like Triple H.

11-06-2015, 08:26 PM
Owens would be KILLER! Also Cesaro..or they could start a feud Ambrose vs Reigns for the title