View Full Version : AAA News-More on AAA Mega Title

Shootkick Man
11-10-2015, 02:20 AM
Dorian Roldan appeared on SiriusXM’s Busted Open Radio earlier today. Alfredo of LuchaWorld was listening and posted highlights.

The big news is the AAA Mega Heavyweight Championship is officially vacant. A tournament will be held at Guerra de Titanes to determine the champion. The size and participants in the tournament are unknown.

Additionally, Dorian says they’re no longer expecting Alberto to make any more appearances in AAA. (They had hoped for 2.) Alberto told Dorian he’d be willing to lose the title, but WWE said no. Dorian said they were originally hoping for two more appearances by Alberto, wished Alberto well in the future and AAA wants to move forward.

The rest of the interview didn’t have much of the news, or at least not new news. They’d like to get TV back in to the US, as always. Lucha Underground could take many different forms in the future. They’d be open with working with anyone. The usual.

AAA has been proceeding towards Guerra de Titanes like everything was normal, with no mention of Alberto and no sign of a title tournament. A tournament or a decision match at Guerra de Titanes was always the most likely option, but, this is the first time AAA’s acknowledged the situation at all. They’ve only acknowledged it English and haven’t sent out a press release or anything more to explain it to their Spanish language fans.

The card they’ve built towards for Guerra de Titanes includes Rey and Mundo in a trios match, Hijo del Fantasma defending his cruiserweight championship against a to be announced contender, Joe Lider & Pentagon Jr. challenging Jack Evans & Angelico for the tag titles and some match, maybe hair vs mask, involving Daga & Australian Suicide. Some of those names would seem to be belong in a tournament for the AAA Heavyweight Championship, but there’s also others (Dr. Wagner Jr., Psycho Clown, Texano Jr., Brian Cage, La Parka, Cibernetico, Chessman if they’re around – and Chessman’s and friends were joking about the Elite lineup) who didn’t currently have programs. They could blow up the existing card or just put something together out of those people who weren’t scheduled for big roles.

AAA has only one more announced taping before Guerra de Titanes, the 11/15 show in Ciudad Juarez. That show would not air until December 5, so holding off the TV announcement of the tournament would give AAA only days to promote it.

AAA also has three weeks of TV already taped (one week from Nuevo Laredo & two weeks from Xalapa), where they could insert an announcement of a tournament in an added segment. It’s a bit amazing there wasn’t announcement this past week on TV if AAA was going to make this announcement a couple days later (and, maybe since it was a US interview, this really doesn’t count as announcement.)