View Full Version : Bret Hart Says WWE Isn’t The Same Without Punk & Bryan, Reid Flair Angle

11-21-2015, 03:45 AM
Bret Hart was recently interviewed by Justin Barrasso for the Sports Illustrated Extra Mustard blog. The Hitman said he doesn’t watch as much WWE since CM Punk and Daniel Bryan left the scene. It’s going to be tough for today’s top stars to match the interest that Punk and Bryan brought, even though he like guys like Dean Ambrose. As for Punk’s falling out with WWE, Bret makes it clear he’s on Punk’s side and doesn’t appreciate how he was denied the chance to main event WrestleMania.

“I’d have to take Punk’s side on it,” explained Hart. “Triple H is a bodybuilder nut. He goes after the bodies. He doesn’t care how good–and he can look in the mirror–guys work, he cares how guys look. Punk and Bryan are guys concerned with how they work. It’s a different philosophy. I admire Punk for taking his stand. He was the guy doing all the work, every week, going injured, and here’s a guy sitting at home–working three or four times a year–and you’re going to give him the main event at WrestleMania? I’m not buying it.”

As much as Vince has a track record of favoring muscular performers, Bret believes he also appreciates great in-ring technicians, while Triple H is still a body guy. He named Roman Reigns, Kevin Owens and Dean Ambrose as the “hardest working guys in the company.” No mention of Seth Rollins, but it was looking ahead to Sunday’s Survivor Series pay-per-view. Bret questioned the booking of Roman Reigns.

The 5-WWE Champion has a strong opinion about WWE using Reid Flair’s name during the Divas segment that closed RAW, expressing his sympathy for Ric Flair.

“How could they not see the slight there? That’s really insensitive to Ric and his family, and I totally sympathize with Ric. You didn’t see them doing that after Jerry Lawler lost his brother. Maybe someone just made a poor judgment call, but I was flabbergasted to see they did that to him. It was totally wrong.”

11-21-2015, 06:04 AM
I seldom disagree with Bret but he is out of his mind . I miss Bryan's in ring work but the way that wwe was using him was awful . They let Punk be the top guy for over a year and he took his ball and went home because someone else got the spot light . Trips into the body builder type ? Yea NXT is just full of them ,right ? Always Trips fault . Bret's spot on about the Reid Flair thing .

11-21-2015, 06:36 PM
I seldom disagree with Bret but he is out of his mind . I miss Bryan's in ring work but the way that wwe was using him was awful . They let Punk be the top guy for over a year and he took his ball and went home because someone else got the spot light . Trips into the body builder type ? Yea NXT is just full of them ,right ? Always Trips fault . Bret's spot on about the Reid Flair thing .

I agree with you. Bryan Danielson was fucking awesome in ROH. Then he go to WWE and didnt know how to use him. I've never been a fan of Punk. I didn't like his attitude or his ring skills. The only thing he could do well was run his mouth.