View Full Version : Transgender woman forced to stay in all male prison ‘despite repeated rapes’

Shane McMahon's Ass
12-05-2015, 04:10 PM
A transgender woman has been force to stay in an all-male prison, despite being repeatedly raped and sexually assaulted, it has been alleged.

The woman, who is currently incarcerated at a Texas prison, claims that she has ‘been raped, forced to submit to undesired sexual acts to escape violence, and/or threatened with sexual assault’.

She was denied parole last month by the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, despite a transgender co-defendant being released two years ago.

The woman was handed a 20-year-sentence for ‘aggravated kidnapping’ as a teenager – after her boyfriend refused to return a car they were test driving to a dealership, and instead drove for several hours with the car salesman in the passenger seat.

Lambda Legal, who represent the woman, say that her case illustrates ‘the injustice that runs throughout the criminal system’, and have continued to pursue legal action on her behalf.

Speaking previously, she said: ‘Somebody, somehow, needs to shed light on what is taking place here in Texas prisons.

‘Officials get away with so much and disregard so many legitimate threats to people’s safety, and it needs to stop somewhere.

‘I fight for my life everyday in here. Safety from rape and assault is not a privilege. It’s a right, and I hope that this assault will help make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else.’

Under the federal Prison Rape Elimination Act, US states are required to ‘take measures to eliminate sexual abuse of people in custody’ – but Texas Governor Rick Perry has reportedly denied funding for this.
