View Full Version : CMLL 12/11 Results

Shootkick Man
12-13-2015, 02:26 AM
CMLL (FRI) 12/11/2015 Arena México [CMLL, R de Rudo, thecubsfan]
1) Akuma & Canelo Casas b Bengala & Soberano Jr.
12:48. rudos took 1/3
2) Demus 3:16, Mercurio, Pierrothito b Astral, Eléctrico, Shockercito
14:35. Rudos took 1/3.
3) Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr., Super Porky b Misterioso Jr., Pierroth, Sagrado
10:41. Tecnicos took 2/3.
4) Super Parka DQ Negro Casas [lightning]
Bad match. Parka was winded early. Super Parka won by DQ in 7:29 when Negro Casas dropkicked Super Parka into referee Edgar, then fouled Parka. Parka demanded a hair match tonight after the main event. Casas dropkicked him, attacked the referee again, and agreed to a hair match for next week.
5) Máximo Sexy, Mistico, Rush DQ Ephesto, Euforia, Kamaitachi
11:34. Tecnicos took 2/3, the last by DQ when Kamaitachi fouled Maximo when Maximo went for the kiss. Kamaitachi challenged Maximo to a hair match next week and Maximo accepted.
6) Shocker, Terrible, Último Guerrero b Kráneo, Ripper, Thunder
10:09. Mr. Niebla replaced Thunder. The announcers did not mention Thunder. UG’s team took 2/3 in a heatless match.