View Full Version : Wrestle-1 12/20 Results

Shootkick Man
12-20-2015, 03:51 PM
WRESTLE-1 TOUR 2015 SHINING WINTER, 12/20/2015 [Sun] 13:00 @ Lazona Kawasaki Plazasol in Kanagawa

(1) Ryota Hama vs. KAZMA SAKAMOTO
◆Winner: KAZMA (5:51) via pin-fall.
(2) Daiki Inaba vs. Hiroki Murase
◆Winner: Murase (9:42) with a Backdrop Hold.
(3) Andy Wu vs. Hiroshi Yamato vs. Seiki Yoshioka
◆Winner: Seiki (6:39) following the S.K. on Wu.
~ Seiki with the win over the Cruiser champion before the the title match on 12/24.

(4) Kaz Hayashi & Minoru Tanaka vs. KAI & Shota [Sano-Damashii]
◆Winner: Hayashi (11:12) following the Power Plant on Shota.

(5) Jiro “Ikemen” Kuroshio & Yasufumi Nakanoue vs. Yuji Hino & NOSAWA Rongai
◆Winner: Hino (8:55) with a Diving Body Press on Nakanoue.

(6) new WILD order vs TriggeR Elimination Match: Manabu Soya, AKIRA & Kumagoro vs. Masayuki Kono, Shuji Kondo & Shotaro Ashino
~ Kondo elminated AKIRA (8:56) following the King Kong Lariat.
~ Murase eliminated Kumagoro (11:40) with a Backdrop Hold.
~ Soya eliminated Murase (13:42) following the Wild Bomber.
~ Soya eliminated Kondo (16:22) with a La Magistral.
◆Winner: Kono (17:37) following a Running Knee Attack on Soya.