View Full Version : Kurt Angle Teasing MMA Fight Against Kimbo Slice Or Ken Shamrock

01-28-2016, 12:25 AM

While Kurt Angle admits that the chances of him entering MMA and fighting top opposition in their prime are slim-to-none, the former Olympic gold medalist is talking like a fight against an MMA legend is still a possibility.

Angle appeared on “The Roman Show” recently and claimed that at age 47 he won’t be fighting a fighter that is in his prime, he is interested in having a pro MMA match against a Hall Of Famer.

“Of course, I’m not going to fight a guy in their prime,” Angle said. “It’s obviously gonna be one of the older guys. But if it does come to fruition, it’ll be a helluva fight, whether its Kimbo Slice, Ken Shamrock, Dan Severn … or even Royce Gracie.”

The TNA Wrestling star added, “If I do decide [to fight], it’ll be with a Hall of Famer … it won’t be someone in their prime in their early 30s, no way, not now.”

Angle is currently overseas in the UK with TNA Wrestling and will be finishing up with the company after a 10-year run. His final opponent in TNA will be pro wrestler / MMA fighter Bobby Lashley.

The former WWE Superstar has flirted with the idea of transitioning into MMA, something pro wrestlers have done in the past, with Brock Lesnar, CM Punk and the aforementioned Lashley being prime examples. In the end, something has always prevented Angle from making the move, such as pre-existing contractual commitments and more recently, his age and physical condition after a lengthy pro wrestling career filled with injuries.