View Full Version : BJW 3/6 Results

Shootkick Man
03-06-2016, 07:06 PM
BJW “Ikkitosen ~strong climb~”, 3/6/2016 [Sun] 12:00 @ Korakuen Hall in Tokyo

(1) Daichi Hashimoto, Takayuki Ueki & Toshiyuki Sakuda vs. Yoshihisa Uto, Tatsuhiko Yoshino [GUTS] & Kazumi Kikuta
◆Winner: Daichi (8:39) following a Shining Wizard on Kikuta.
(2) Fluorescent Light G-Shock Tag Death Match: Abdullah Kobayashi & Masashi Takeda [U-FILE CAMP] vs. Kankuro Hoshino & Masato Inaba [FREE]
◆Winner: Takeda (10:32) following the Kokutai Ichi-kaisen Slam on Inaba onto concrete blocks.
(3) Barbed-wire Board 8 Man Tag Death Match: Ryuji Ito, Isami Kodaka [BASARA], Yuko Miyamoto [666] & Jaki Numazawa vs. Takumi Tsukamoto [BASARA], Ryuichi Sekine [BASARA], Masaya Takahashi [ASUKA] & Saburo Inematsu [K-DOJO]
◆Winner: Inematsu (13:56) following a Death Valley Bomb on Numazawa.
~ Inematsu will challenge Ito for the Deathmatch Heavyweight belt on 3/21 in Hiroshima.

(4) B BLOCK Match: Hideki Suzuki [FREE] vs. Shinobu [666]
◆Winner: Hideki (9:55) with a Shin-Manjigatame.
~ Hideki [1 win = 2 points]
~ Shinobu [1 loss = 0 points]

(5) B BLOCK Match: Yuji Okabayashi vs. Shuji Ishikawa [FREE]
◆Winner: Ishikawa (15:08) with the Giant Slam.
~ Ishikawa [1 win = 2 points]
~ Okabayashi [1 loss = 0 points]
~ With a win over the World Strong Champion, Ishikawa with a strong start as he declared that he will the tournament again this year.

(6) A BLOCK Match: Daisuke Sekimoto vs. Seiya Sanada [S.P.E]
◆Winner: Sekimoto (13:54) with a German Suplex Hold.
~ Sekimoto [1 win = 2 points]
~ Sanada [1 loss = 0 points]
~ Sekimoto claims the win in their first ever singles encounter.

(7) A BLOCK Match: Hideyoshi Kamitani vs. Kohei Sato [ZERO1]
◆Winner: Kamitani (15:18) following a Two Backdrops.
~ Kamitani [1 win = 2 points]
~ Kohei [1 loss = 0 points]
~ The BJW Tag Champion Kamitani with a strong start as he takes out Kohei in the main event. Kamitani declared that he aims to win.

03-06-2016, 07:49 PM
thanks for the update Noah