View Full Version : Memphis Wrestling Tv Report

Dangerous Incorporated
10-02-2006, 12:47 AM

----Show opens with Hollywood Jimmy, Nate the Rat, Johnny Dotson and Rashard arguing over who was going to host the show. [Corey Maclin had a death in the family]. Dustin Hickenbottom [must be a Shawn mark] was standing behind all of them. Jerry Lawler then came out to restore order. Lawler got a huge pop. Lawler tells Nate he will be wrestling tonight. Nate walks away. Lawler told the other three guys they could play Jerry Lawler and take turns doing color commentary.

----Derrick King interview I think we found someone worse than Corey Maclin. King calls out Kidd Kastle. JR Title Match: King beat Kastle, when Johnny Dotson gave King a foreign object to hit Kastle. King gave Kastle most of the bout and got very little heat on him. Castle needs a lot of work.

----Lawler with Renee interview. Lawler came out and talked about his mom having a stroke. He stated that she had a mild stroke. He thanked all the people who were concerned. Grady Watson then comes out and says, âœWe wish your mother the best. Cowboy [Ricky Murdoch/Billy Nasty]/Nate come out. Nate said Lawler was just out trying to get sympathy. I dont think your mama had a stroke.Lawler then slaps Nate and says, If you mention my mother one more time, I will kill you!!! And then says, Get him the hell out of here!!

----Cory Maclin/Lance Russell interview talking about Memphis gimmick matches. Scaffold, Coal Miners Glove, Cage [clip of Savage vs Lawler], barbwire, lumberjack and concession stand matches. Opening The Vault with clips from concession brawl of Larry Latham/Wayne Farris vs Jerry Lawler/Bill Dundee from Tupelo, MS. Well done segment.

----Brickhouse Brown/Kevin White/Jerry Lawler with Renee beat The Cowboys [Murdoch/Nasty]/Matt Foley. Nate says that the Cowboys stepped on his foot when Lawler slapped him, Foley took his place. Heat on White with hot tag to Lawler. Foley looked bad here. Brick/White used a double stroke to pin Foley. Nate then yells after the match, “Lawler I am going to kill you!!! I am going to take your whole stinking family out!!

----Too Cool [Tim Grind/Flex] interview. They talk about wanting the rematch for the Southern Tag Team Titles vs Brick/White. White/Brick come back out for an interview. Brick says, Yall must be smoking that crack to open his rap. Good family entertainment. Good interview though.

----Insane Clowns[Bobo/Giggles]/Too Cool 2[Grind/Flex beat Picture Perfect[Chris O'Neal/John Michael]/Tatt2/Hendrick Hines. Heat on Hines. Hot tag to Tatt2. Some good spots with hot tag and then it turned into a clusterf**k. Giggles used a foreign object out of a teddy bear on Tatt2 with Grind pinning him.

FINAL NOTES: The opening skit was good. This was much better than just bringing out an announcer without a reason or anything¦King did a good job with Kastle with a long interview. Crowd was popping for Castle after the opening Tennessee spots¦Lawler/Nate angle with Lawler slapping Nate was good. Very good. It furthered their feud and looked shoot with Nate talking about Lawlers mother¦The concession stand brawl is so legendary. You can trace Atsushi Onita and ECW roots to this very match¦.Hollywood Jimmy promoted Savannah, TN CWA show with Lawler/Rodney Grimes vs amily of Pain [Sarge ORiley/Mickey Ray] while doing commentary during the second match¦Cowboys didnt look bad this week¦O™Neal didnt even get in the main event until the finish¦Dustin was not a bad announcer, but he just didnt seem that excited. He got better as the show went on. He did know that it was Jon Michael and not Christian Jacobs wrestling though!!!! Hollywood Jimmy was the best of the three color commentaries. Dotson/Rashard did not do bad jobs either. Maclin would do well with any of three of them¦This was a good show. You can tell when Lawler is booking compared to Corey doing all the show by himself. Three matches, which gives everyone time to work. They also further the storylines with Lawler booking.

Nick, Your Indie Lover
10-02-2006, 03:27 AM

Dangerous Incorporated
10-02-2006, 06:12 AM
Where did I originally put it?