View Full Version : WWE Main Event Report / Results - 25th May, 2016

05-26-2016, 04:18 AM
WWE Main Event Report / Results - 25th May, 2016
Location: Norfolk, Virginia
Announcers: Jerry Lawler and Tom Philips.

The New Day make their way to the ring and Xavier is wearing what appears to be Big E’s ring gear.

Big E says that you may have noticed, Xavier Woods looks a little different today. They shall call him Mini E. Kofi says Xavier’s bag was stolen and his ring gear was in that bag, and Big E says except for his boots because they never come off. Lucky for Mr. Woods, Big E travels with an extra singlet. Xavier says he does not have a singlet body so Big E asks the crowd. Big E says that Xavier possesses the POWER of the singlet. Don’t you ever forget who they are. Xavier says they are the WWE World Tag Team . . .

The Social Outcasts interrupts and says RICHMOND. Curtis corrects Heath and Bo says prepare to have a blast for the Social Outcasts.

The Social Outcasts come out and Curtis has a bag with him, and it might be Xavier’s.

Heath says to look at what they have.

Xavier says that is his bag.

Curtis says they should take a look inside the bag.

We see some underwear and Heath throws it aside. Curtis pulls out a My Little Pony and he calls Xavier a Little JayBronie. Bo pulls out a box of BOOTY-Os.

Xavier wants to know if he can have his bag back.
Heath tells Xavier he can have his bag back if you three can beat them in a match tonight.

Big E wants to have a Champion’s Huddle.

Heath wants an answer.

Xavier says they accept the challenge and Xavier says they will win back his bag.

Winner Gets Xavier Woods’ Bag Match
Curtis Axel, Bo Dallas, and Heath Slater vs Big E, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods

Big E and Bo start thing off and Bo says he has the POWER of the Singlet too. Bo runs into a belly-to-belly suplex and Xavier tags in. Xavier tries for a belly-to-belly suplex but he cannot get Bo over. Bo with a catapult into the turnbuckles. Big E and Curtis tag in and Big E with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.

Xavier is tagged back in and Xavier tries for an overhead belly-to-belly suplex but he cannot get Curtis over. Curtis with a punch but Xavier with an elbow and Kofi tags in. Kofi with a shoulder and Xavier with a rollup to set up a cross body from Kofi for a near fall. Axel with a kick and he sends Kofi to the mat. Curtis does some questionable dancing to mock the New Day. Kofi with a drop kick and Curtis goes to the floor. The New Day show Curtis how it is done.

The New Day mock the BO TRAIN. Bo decides to show the New Day how the BO TRAIN is done as Heath and Curtis follow.

Kofi is sent over the top rope by Big E onto Curtis and Heath. The New Day do an inside the ring BO TRAIN and then they clap as we go to commercial.

We are back and Big E with an abdominal stretch to Axel and he plays the bongos on Axel. Big E with a Tricep Meat elbow and a near fall. Kofi tags in and Big E with a snap mare and Kofi with a kick. Axel hits Kofi from behind after Kofi attacks Bo and Heath. Heath tags in and he kicks Kofi. Heath with some dancing in front of Big E and Xavier. Slater with a kick and he tags in Axel who kicks Kofi and punches him.

Axel chokes Kofi in the ropes and then Slater gets in a shot. Axel gets a near fall and he sends Kofi into the corner. Bo tags in and he connects with a series of forearms. Kofi with kicks but Bo with a forearm. Bo with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Bo with a reverse chin lock. Kofi with a jaw breaker and Bo stops Kofi from making the tag. Axel tags in and he punches Kofi. Axel with a drop kick. Bo tags in and he drops a knee to get a near fall. Bo with a reverse chin lock. Kofi with a snap mare followed by a leaping double stomp to Bo and both men are down. Woods and Slater tag in and Woods with running forearms to Slater and he takes care of Axel. Woods with a kick to Slater followed by Honor Roll and then Woods does the Warrior Splash. The straps come down and then Big E hits the Big Ending on Axel. Bo with a knee to Big E. Woods with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex to Bo. Woods gets Slater up and Kofi tags in for the spike Big Ending and the three count.

Winners: Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Xavier Woods

We go to commercial.

Paige vs Summer Rae

They lock up and Summer with a waist lock and she hits Paige in the back of the head. They lock up and Paige hits Summer in the rear end a few times. Summer avoids being tripped by Paige but Paige with a kick and she sends Summer to the mat. Paige with a knee to the head and she gets a near fall. Paige with an Irish whip but Summer sends Paige to the apron. Summer with a forearm and spinning heel kick to knock Paige to the floor.

Summer sends Paige back into the ring and she chokes Paige in the ropes. Summer chokes Paige in the corner. Summer with an Irish whip but Paige catches Summer. Summer counters and gets a near fall. Summer with a Million Dollar Dream. Paige escapes but Summer with kicks to send Paige to the mat and Summer gets a near fall. Summer returns to the Million Dollar Dream.

Paige with a back heel kick and both women are down. Paige with kicks to Summer and we are reminded of Paige’s real estate portfolio. Paige with a knee into the corner and a running knee in the middle of the ring for a near fall. Summer has a spin kick blocked and Paige hits a fallaway slam. Paige hits the RamPaige for the three count.

Winner: Paige

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dolph Ziggler joins Tom and Jerry on commentary for the main event.

Baron Corbin is in the Goldman Box and says that Jack Swagger is just like Dolph Ziggler, a technical wrestler trying to live his dream. Baron says he came here to beat up people and make money and he will do it tonight.

Jack Swagger vs Baron Corbin

Swagger with a waist lock but Corbin with an elbow. Corbin with a forearm and shoulder in the corner. Corbin with a forearm to the head followed by shoulders in the corner. Swagger with a shoulder tackle and kick. Corbin clotheslines Swagger over the top rope to the floor. Swagger with a forearm from the apron but Corbin with a punch to knock Swagger down and Corbin kicks Swagger to the floor.

Corbin with forearms to the back of the head while Swagger is against the ringside barrier. Corbin gets a near fall and we go to commercial.

We are back and Corbin chokes Swagger in the ropes. Corbin has something to say to Ziggler and then he returns his focus to Swagger. Corbin with elbows but Swagger with punches. Corbin with a knee and Irish whip that sends Swagger sternum first into the turnbuckles. Corbin with elbows to the neck. Corbin with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Swagger with elbows but Corbin with punches and he returns to the quarter nelson and chin lock. Swagger with a Saito suplex and both men are down. Corbin with a side slam and then he kicks Swagger and sends him to the floor. Corbin goes to the floor and he poses.

Corbin goes for a running shoulder tackle but Swagger pulls himself up and Corbin goes shoulder first into the ring steps. The referee makes his count and Corbin is back on his feet. Corbin gets back into the ring and misses a splash. Swagger with a running knee followed by an Irish whip and splash. Swagger with a belly-to-belly slam and then he hits a running clothesline for a near fall.

Swagger goes for the We the People Double Jump Swagger Bomb but Corbin gets his feet up. Swagger with a rollup for a near fall. Corbin hits Deep Six for a near fall. Corbin and Swagger exchange forearms. Then they go to punches with Swagger gaining the advantage. Swagger tries for a Swagger Bomb but Corbin gets his feet up and Swagger counters with an ankle lock. Corbin reaches for the ropes but Swagger pulls him into the center of the ring, but Corbin gets to the ropes. Corbin with a punch to the throat and then he sends Swagger into the middle rope and Corbin hits End of Days for the three count.

Winner: Baron Corbin

After the match
Corbin looks at Ziggler on commentary .

We go to credits.