View Full Version : Ken Anderson Talks About His Time In WWE, Paul Heyman’s Influence On His Career

06-22-2016, 05:47 PM
Former WWE and TNA star Ken Anderson joined the Jordan Garber NOW podcast earlier this week to discuss his career in wrestling, departure from TNA, and the evolution of his persona for WWE. Here are some highlights of what he said about:

Making it to WWE developmental:

“There were up and downs and it took me 6 years of humping it and hustling on the indies to make it to where i got hired by wwe and got a developmental deal. Honestly right before i got signed was the only time where I was like i’ve been doing this for 6 years. This point you got all all your doubters saying “How long are you gonna keep doing this? When are you gonna be successful… When are you gonna hang it up? After awhile it kind of gets to you but i never took my foot off the gas pedal.”

Paul Heyman’s Influence on His Career:

“I’ve been floating around OVW for 6 months not really having a sense of purpose. Then Paul Heyman came down… His very first day he pulled me aside and said ‘You’re going to be the first guy out of here I promise you'”

His First Win In WWE:

“I was scheduled to have a dark match with Funaki. He was gonna go over. I was getting ready and Dave Lagana comes by and says I just wanna let you know that we need to change this match. We need a finisher because you’re gonna go over. 2nd this is a televised match and third… Welcome to SmackDown! ”