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View Full Version : Very Impressive Return

01-02-2006, 02:20 AM
I just watched Smackdown, and was completely shocked with Mark Henry's return. I never even knew that he was going to make an apperance in a WWE ring again. Just came out of nowhere. Something was bound to happen concidering Melina was getting involved in a storyline with the World Champion, but Mark Henery. Would have never imagined it.

The return itself was also great. It seemed like the champions were going to retain their titles, and them boom. Mark Henry comes in and just dominates the World Champion. Depending on whether you read the spoilers or not, you would have different opinions on his return. Well I didn't and was damn sure glad about it. That was one of the most unexpected things which I have seen in the WWE all year.

Now that he has returned I guess it's safe to say that he will be chasing the World Championship and Champion Batista. Around the Royal Rumble people don't usually win championships so I wouldn't expect Henry to win, or be serious in winning. Just like Steiner in 2003 or Holly in 2004. He'll get a couple of title shots and that will be it.

I still think that it is great that he's back. He's not excatly the best wrestler, but he's not bad. Hopefully he can make Smackdown a little bit better. He already has in my view.

Straight Edge
01-02-2006, 03:22 AM
I managed to watch it earlier, I thought it was a pretty good show and I didn't read the Spoilers for once this week, so it was definately a suprise in seeing Mark Henry show up on Smackdown this week, and seemingly align himself with MNM and helping them regain the WWE Tag Team Titles from Batista and Rey Mysterio.

It look's as if Mark Henry will be MNM's bodygaurd from now on, to give him something to do, seeing as he's only recently showed back up in Ohio Valley Wrestling. And he'll most likely get a shot for the World Heavyweight Title against Batista at the Royal Rumble, and of course Henry won't win the match because although he's the World's Strongest Man, he's not a solid main-eventer like Batista is.

Then Batista will go onto Wrestlemania 22, and lose the World Heavyweight Title to Randy Orton

01-02-2006, 03:28 AM
I haven't even watched that last SD!, but from what you said already, Mark Henry will make an impact on Smackdown and hopefully make it better. Batista vs Henry for the World Heavyweight Championship...hmm if you think about it, its gonna be like the tag match b/w Animal and Heindenrich vs Batista and somebody else. Just like that match we saw Animal's strength toward Batista's and that was a lot. Batista couldnt get Animal hardly down on the mat. However, with Mark Henry in the runnings, this is going to be one hell of a match considering both men are big and strong and no one should get in the middle of them, if you know what I mean.

01-05-2006, 08:18 PM
I only managed tio catch the end of Smackdown and Mark Henry's appearance and i was not that impressed.The last time he was in the wwe he did not have any decent ring skills and judging from the brief look at him this time he has not improved much despite his time with Paul heyman in OVW.
I realise that for a short time it may be good to give Batista some real competition size wise but for me in the long term i cannot see a future for him.He is a really good weightlifter and was at one time was supposed to be the worlds strongest man,He is just not a very good wrestler.

01-09-2006, 05:17 PM
ehh he aint that great

01-12-2006, 12:14 AM
He doesn't seem that great to me. Although he doesn't seem that bad, either. Just pissed that other guys get overlooked in favour of him. Again...

01-13-2006, 09:58 AM
I think the Mark Henry thing really sucks and its gonna be forgotten very soon.

02-19-2006, 05:10 PM
mark henry? honestly what a poor signing indeed...

Additional Comment:
im still shaking my head and its february

Additional Comment:
im still shaking my head and its february

02-19-2006, 07:06 PM
I think mark henry sucks and my best return was HHH after his groin injury

02-20-2006, 01:03 AM
I liked the return where Mark Henry ate Mysterio....oh wait, that was only in my head

Additional Comment:
All right, so Mark Henry wasn't that impressive

02-20-2006, 12:25 PM
Marky Henry, well I beleive that he is quite good in the ring at times, and as rein said his return did come out of nowhere, but to tell you the truth I always expected him to return, on one main factor which is loyalty, you see all these years where stars ahve been coming and going and moaning because of bad storylines and what not, where as Henry has had some of the worst storylines around, just one example, the May Young storyline, yet he has just worked without fail and stuck it out with the wwe, I thought that surely wwe would give someone liek that a chance, and I was right, even though I didnt know when to expect his return, i expected a return no the less and I beleive that this push for him is a reward for the loyalty he has showed over all these years