View Full Version : WWE Main Event Report / Results - 30th Jun, 2016

07-06-2016, 02:03 PM
WWE Main Event Report / Results - 30th Jun, 2016
Location: Miami, Florida
Announcers are Tom Phillips and David Otunga.

Kalisto and Sin Cara versus Konnor and Viktor

Konnor and Cara start things off. They lock up and Konnor backs Cara into the corner and punches him. Konnor with an Irish whip but Cara with a boot and an arm drag off the ropes. Konnor runs Cara into the corner and tags in Viktor. Konnor with a series of punches and Viktor gets a near fall. Viktor with a kick to Cara and he mocks the Lucha Dragons gesture. Viktor with kicks and a leaping fist drop for a near fall. Viktor with a rear chin lock. Cara with punches but Viktor with a forearm and he tags in Konnor. Viktor with a knee to the midsection followed by a double double sledge and double kick. Konnor gets a near fall.

Konnor with a reverse chin lock. Cara with punches but Konnor with a slam and he misses a leaping elbow drop when Cara moves. Kalisto and Viktor tag in and Kalisto with a springboard seated splash followed by a springboard corkscrew press and a spike rana for a near fall.

Konnor with a forearm to Cara to take care of him. Konnor picks up Kalisto and gives him to Viktor but Kalisto counters a super power bomb into a rana and then Konnor goes over the top rope to the floor. Cara with a suicide dive followed by Salida Del Sol to Viktor followed by the Fallen Star for the three count.

Winners: Sinn Cara and Kalisto

We go to commercial.

We are back and Fandango has something to say before his match. Fandango tells everyone that they know what you came here tonight to see. Tyler tells everyone to extract your cell phones because it is time for thirty seconds of thrills.

Tyler Breeze and Fandango versus Goldust and R Truth

Goldust and Breeze start things off and Fandango distracts Goldust long enough to allow Breeze to attack him. Fandango tags in and hits a drop kick for a near fall. Fandango with a punch and knee to the back followed by a reverse chin lock. Goldust with punches but Fandango with an elbow. Breeze and Truth tag in and Truth with punches followed by a split and kick.

Truth with a suplex into a stunner and he gets a near fall. Goldust sends Fandango to the apron and Goldust goes to the floor. Breeze and Fandango collide and Truth gets the three count with an O’Connor Roll.

Winners: Goldust and R Truth

We go to commercial.

We are back and Primo and Epico make their way to the ring. Epico says they call Miami ‘The Poor Man’s Puerto Rico’. Primo says the beaches are here, the weather is here, the culture is here, the food is here, and the people are here. He says they are second rate imitations.

They are interrupted by Jack Swagger’s music.

Jack Swagger and Zack Ryder versus Primo and Epico

Swagger and Primo start things off and Swagger with a side head lock take down. Swagger with a shoulder tackle and Swagger with a single leg take down but Primo escapes and tags in Epico. Swagger with a running shoulder tackle. Swagger with a punch. Primo makes the blind tag and he distracts Swagger. Epico hits Swagger from behind and then he hits a few KneeDTs. Primo tags in and continues to work on the leg.

Swagger kicks Primo away and Primo with a drop kick to the injured leg. Primo puts the leg on the ropes and he hits a seated splash onto the leg. Epico tags in and he hits Swagger in the knee with a double sledge. Epico with a front chancery. Swagger punches Epico but Epico stops Swagger from making the tag. Swagger with a clothesline and both men are down.

Ryder makes the tag and he clotheslines Epico. Epico with an Irish whip but Ryder gets his knees up and hits a missile drop kick. Ryder with a running forearm into the corner but Primo pulls Epico out of the ring. Ryder with a baseball slide to both men. Ryder goes up op and hits the elbow drop but Primo breaks up the cover. Swagger sends Primo to the floor and Epico sends Swagger to the floor. Primo sends Swagger into the ring steps and then Epico sends Ryder into the turnbuckles. Primo tags in and they hit Total Elimination for the three count.

Winners: Epico and Primo

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at what happened regarding the World Title Picture on Raw.

Colin says since they are in Miami, they are going to turn up the heat. If you are going to stand in their way, there is one word to describe you and he is going to spell it out.

Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley versus Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady

D-Von and Colin start things off and D-Von with kicks and punches. D-Von punches Colin but Colin keeps D-Von from Irish whipping him. Colin with shoulder tackles and then he punches D-Von in the corner. Bubba tags in when D-Von avoids a boot. Bubba has something to say to Colin. Colin punches Bubba and then he connects with a shoulder tackle and back elbow. Colin slams D-Von. Bubba and D-Von go to the floor and Colin tosses Enzo onto Bubba and D-Von.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Enzo gets out of the corner to avoid a double team attempt. D-Von backs Enzo into the corner and D-Von sends Enzo back into the corner when he tries to get out. D-Von does it a second time. D-Von pie faces Enzo and then Enzo with punches followed by a drop kick. Enzo goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall. Enzo with an elbow to Bubba on the apron and then he connects with a shoulder to D-Von. Bubba pulls Enzo off the apron when he goes for a springboard move.

D-Von punches Enzo and the referee warns D-Von but D-Von kicks Enzo while ignoring the referee. D-Von with a snap mare and a leg drop. D-Von mocks Enzo and it frustrates Colin but he stays on the apron. Bubba tags in and he connects with head butts to the chest and follows with a chop. Bubba runs into a boot and Enzo punches D-Von. Bubba catches Enzo as he leaps to make the tag and Enzo is run into the turnbuckles. Enzo goes to the floor.

Bubba tries to kick Enzo but Enzo moves and Bubba kicks the ring steps. Bubba pulls Colin off the apron before Enzo can make the tag. Bubba with a boot to Enzo and he gets a near fall. Bubba with jabs to Enzo but Enzo tries for a clothesline that does not move Bubba. Bubba with a clothesline of his own and then he tags in D-Von. D-Von goes to the turnbuckles but misses a diving head butt when Enzo moves.

Colin tags in and he clotheslines D-Von and then knocks Bubba off the apron with an elbow. Colin with a Stinger Splash followed by a slam and leaping elbow drop. Bubba makes the blind tag and they hit the neck breaker and belly-to-back suplex combination but Colin kicks out at two. Bubba knocks D-Von down and then Colin hits a big boot. Enzo tags in and they hit the Rocket Launcher for the three count.

Winners: Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady

We go to credits.