View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report / Results - 1st Jul, 2016

07-06-2016, 02:14 PM
WWE Superstars Report / Results - 1st Jul, 2016
Location: Tampa, Florida
Announcers: Tom Phillips, Dolph Ziggler, and David Otunga.

R Truth and Goldust versus Konnor and Viktor

Konnor and Goldust start things off and they lock up. Goldust with a side head lock and shoulder tackl.e Goldust escapes a slam and hits a reverse atomic drop and he mirrors Konnor’s pain to his groin. Goldust with an arm drag and a wrist lock. Truth tags in and they hit a double side Russian leg sweep and get a near fall. Truth with a punch. Truth with a kick and then Truth does some dancing and he connects with a back elbow.

Truth climbs the turnbuckles and punches Konnor. Viktor distracts Truth and that allows Konnor to hit a flapjack. Konnor pushes Goldust to bring him in and Viktor with a punch while the referee was not looking. Viktor tags in and he kicks Truth. Viktor gets a near fall. Viktor with a Canadian Lifter for a near fall. Viktor with a reverse chin lock.

Truth with punches but Viktor with a forearm. Truth with a drop kick and both men are down. Goldust tags in and he hits a few clotheslines. Goldust with a drop down uppercut and a bulldog. Goldust knocks Konnor off the apron and Goldust punches Viktor from the turnbuckles. Viktor with an Irish whip but Goldust with a power slam for a near fall. Konnor breaks up the cover and Truth sends Konnor over the top rope with a clothesline. Truth is sent to the apron by Viktor. Truth distracts Viktor and Goldust hits the Final Cut for the three count.

Winners: Goldust and R Truth

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened at the start of Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at John Cena versus Seth Rollins from Raw.

We go to commercial.

Baron Corbin versus Jack Swagger

They lock up and Swagger with a waist lock. Corbin gets to the ropes. Corbin with an elbow when Swagger takes too long to break. Corbin with punches and forearms. Swagger punches back but Corbin with a kick. Swagger clotheslines Corbin over the top rope to the floor and it is We the People Time. Swagger goes after Corbin and sends him into the apron. Corbin sends Swagger into the ring post.

Corbin returns to the ring and he pulls Swagger shoulder first into the ring post. Corbin sends Swagger into the ring post again.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Corbin with shoulders in the corner. Swagger punches Corbin and then he Irish whips Corbin but Corbin slides to the floor and returns with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Corbin stands over Swagger and then he stands on Swagger’s head. Corbin with a forearm to the head. Corbin with a quarter nelson and chin lock on Swagger. Swagger punches Corbin and gets outo f the hold. Swagger misses a knee in the corner but Corbin misses a splash. Swagger with a clothesline and knee in the corner followed by a belly-to-belly slam. Corbin avoids a clothesline and hits Deep Six for a near fall.

Corbin with forearms but Swagger punches back. Corbin slides to the floor on an Irish whip but Swagger knows what is coming and he takes Corbin down and goes for an ankle lock but Corbin kicks him away. Swagger with a punch and he sets for the We the People Double Jump Swagger Bomb and he hits it for a near fall.

Swagger sets for the ankle lock and he applies it. Corbin tries to get to the ropes but Swagger pulls Corbin into the center of the ring. Corbin tries to kick Swagger but Swagger holds on. Corbin is able to get to the ropes and he hangs over the apron and Swagger lets go and Corbin goes to the floor. Swagger sends Corbin back in and Corbin with forearms as Swagger tries to get back into the ring. Corbin sends Swagger shoulder first into the post. Corbin hits End of Days for the three count.

Winner: Baron Corbin

We go to commercial.

We see the most recent Life Lessons with Bob Backlund that aired last week.

We are back with a look at the Dean Ambrose versus AJ Styles Match from Raw.