View Full Version : WWE Main Event Report / Results - 5th Jul, 2016

07-07-2016, 04:03 AM
WWE Main Event Report / Results - 5th Jul, 2016
Location: Toledo, Ohio
Announcers: Tom Phillips and David Otunga.

Cesaro vs Curtis Axel (with Heath Slater and Bo Dallas)

They lock up and Axel with a wrist lock. Cesaro rolls through and kips up many times before arm dragging Axel and posing in a very European way. They lock up again and Cesaro with a side head lock. Cesaro with a shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a side head lock. Axel with a drop kick and he celebrates. Axel does a victory lap in the ring and he celebrates with Slater but he turns around and Cesaro with a double leg take down and he tries for the Giant Swing but Axel gets to the floor.

Axel with a shoulder and double sledge to the back. Cesaro with an Irish whip and European uppercut. Axel avoids a running European uppercut when moves and then he goes to the floor. Bo calls for the BO TRAIN and Cesaro plays trailer engine and he knocks Slater and Axel down. Cesaro knocks Bo down. Cesaro runs around the ring and hits a running European uppercut on Slater, then one on Axel and he finishes with one to Dallas as we go to commercial.

We are back and Axel with kicks to Cesaro. Axel with a hard Irish whip. We see footage from the commercial break when Axel dropped Cesaro’s arm on the top rope and he followed with a Northern Lariat. Axel with a running knee to the head for a near fall.

Axel with a reverse chin lock. Cesaro punches Axel and Axel with an Irish whip. Cesaro gets his boots up and Axel puts them in the ropes and Axel with a series of clotheslines and he pulls Cesaro to the mat. Axel with elbow drops to Cesaro and he gets a near fall. Axel with a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Cesaro with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Cesaro with European uppercuts to Axel. Cesaro with more European uppercuts in the corner. Axel blocks the giant swing attempt and gets a near fall with a back slide. Axel with a Son of PerfectPlex for a near fall. Axel goes to the turnbuckles and Cesaro with a European uppercut as he comes off.

Cesaro with the Giant Swing and then he puts Axel in the Sharpshooter and Axel taps out.

Winner: Cesaro

JoJo is with Apollo Crews in the interview area. She asks him how it felt to be on the winning team on Raw. He says it does not get any better than to main event Raw and represent his company.

Apollo is asked about his chances against Rusev.

We go to commercial.

Baron Corbin says he does not care where he is drafted on July 19th as long as he gets his worth. Everyone will find out tonight when he sends Sin Cara to the end of days.

Sin Cara vs Baron Corbin

Corbin pie faces Cara and Cara kicks Corbin. Corbin with a punch and he grabs Cara by the mask and applies a wrist lock. Cara sends Corbin to the floor and tries for a suicide dive, but Corbin with a forearm. Corbin suplexes Cara and hangs him in the ropes and Corbin with a punch to the midsection.

Corbin gets a near fall. Corbin with a boot to the head. Corbin with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Cara punches Corbin but Corbin with a forearm and he sends Cara into the turnbuckles. Cara moves when Corbin charges into the corner. Cara with a drop kick and springboard back elbow but Corbin stays on his feet. Cara with an enzuigiri to send Corbin over the top rope and he follows with a suicide dive.

Cara sends Corbin back into the ring but Corbin goes to the floor again and Cara with a suicide dive. Cara gets a near fall. Cara with a quebrada for a near fall. Cara with kicks and a chop but he goes for a springboard move and Corbin pushes him away and then he hits End of Days for the three count.

Winner: Baron Corbin

We go to commercial.

We are back and Tyler Breeze and Fandango are at ringside so it can only mean one thing . . . time for the bouncing Goldust heads for R Truth Karaoke.

R Truth and Goldust vs Konnor and Viktor

Truth and Viktor start things off and Truth goes to the floor to ask Breeze and Fandango why are they out here. Viktor knocks Goldust off the apron and then he hits a running knee off the apron onto Truth. Viktor gets a near fall. Viktor kicks Truth and tags in Konnor. Konnor kicks Truth in the midsection. Konnor with a nerve hold.

Viktor and Goldust tag in and Goldust with a clothesline and back elbow. Goldust with a drop down uppercut and then he clotheslines Konnor over the top. Goldust with a bulldog to Viktor and he follows with punches and an Irish whip followed b y a power slam for a near fall.
Truth is sent to the floor and then Konnor is sent to the floor. Truth with an uppercut to Konnor.

Truth and Goldust hit a spike power bomb for the three count.

Winners: Goldust and R Truth

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dolph Ziggler joins David and Tom for commentary.

Rusev (with Lana) vs Apollo Crews

They lock up and Rusev with knees to the midsection and then they both exchange forearms. Rusev sends Crews into the turnbuckles and kicks and punches him. Rusev sends Crews into the turnbuckles again and connects with shoulders. Crews with punches and forearms to Rusev. Rusev with a side head lock and Crews with drop kicks.

Rusev goes to the floor and Crews goes to the apron and Rusev grabs a leg. Crews escapes and hits a moonsault off the apron. Crews with a slingshot senton for a near fall. Rusev goes to the floor and Crews follows. Rusev runs Crews into the ring steps and we go to commercial.

We are back and Rusev punches Crews. We see footage from the commercial break when Rusev Irish whipped Crews into the ringside barrier. Rusev with a slam and snap elbow drop. Rusev with a reverse chin lock. Crew with punches and Rusev misses a splash. Crews with shoulder tackles and a Stinger Splash. Crews goes for a standing moonsault but Rusev gets his knees up. Rusev with a round kick and Rusev can only get a near fall.

Rusev mounts Crews and punches him. Rusev with kicks. Rusev blocks a punch and kicks Crews. Rusev with a modified abdominal stretch. Crews with a jaw breaker and Rusev connects with a knee but it appeared that Crews hit Rusev with his shoulder. Crews with a springboard back elbow and he follows with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Crews gets Rusev on his shoulders but Rusev gets to his feet. Rusev with a spinning back heel kick and he gets a near fall. Rusev misses the jumping side kick but Crews with a kick and Olympic Slam for a near fall. Crews tries for the toss power bomb but Rusev counters with a snap mare. Rusev with the jumping thrust kick and Rusev applies the Accolade and Rusev leans back. Crews taps out.

Winner: Rusev

We go to credits.