View Full Version : Lucha Underground Report / Results - 6th Jul, 2016

07-08-2016, 02:15 AM
Previously on Lucha Underground

Dario Cueto sets up the Unique Opportunity Tournament featuring Son of Havoc, Texano, The Mack and Cage

The Mack vs. Cage - in a Unique Opportunity Tournament Match

Pre-Match: Dario Cueto comes out in a tux, and says that he loved Cage & The Mack's match last year, so he's bringing back the stipulation from that match for tonight's encounter - falls count anywhere.

Mack and Cage run the ropes, but Cage stops Mack in his tracks with a dropkick to the face. Cage with a spin kick to the gut, an insane spinning neck breaker, and then a Cagesault for a two count. Mack finally gains control with a thunderous forearm and an exploder suplex. Mack sends Cage to the outside with a low body press sending both men through the top and middle ropes. Mack charges Cage on the outside but takes a beale to the wooden bleacher. Cage brings a garbage can out and tries to hit Mack with the lid. Mack ducks, grabs the lid and slaps cage in the dome with it. Mack empties the can, and hits a Davey Boy Smith-esque running slam on the can.

They end up fighting in Dario's office, who is smiling from ear to ear at the sight of the violence. Cage tosses Mack out of the office into the Temple. Cage has a framed photo of the LU logo, and obliterates it over Mack's head. Glass is everywhere. Two count only. Cage slams Mack's head into the ring, and then the guardrail. Cage opens two chairs, and then lays a third across it. He power bombs The Mack through the three chairs, which blows the roof off the place. Two count, again.

Cage grabs a stop sign (a weapon used in their previous matches), but Mack gains control and hits a Samoan Drop on the sign. Mack crashes in with a running Shooting Star Press. He grabs a guitar from under the ring, and cracks it over Cage's head. No baby powder in this guitar. The guitar seems to have busted Cage's head over the hard way.

Mack comes back into the temple with three Piņatas. He opens a luchador-looking Piņata and pulls out a wrench. Cage rips open a Piņata and ends up pouring out candy. Mack hits Cage the wrench pretty hard.

Mack opens up two beers and goes for a stunner. Cage blocks, and nails Mack with the stop sign. Cage pulls out a table. Mack nails Cage with a toolbox. He grabs a chain and whips Cage with it. He then delivers a diving punch to the mouth. Mack cracks two more beers, and then hits a Stunner. (Striker provides a spot on Steve Austin impersonation). Mack lays Cage on the table. He walks up the bleachers, and nails a HUGE frog splash. The Temple erupts in joy. Mack goes for the pin, but somehow -- only two.

Cage pulls out a cinderblock, and goes for a curb stomp -- the same way he beat Mack at Ultima Lucha last year. However, Cage slips on the beer, and Mack rolls him up for the 1-2-3.

Winner: The Mack

Son of Havoc vs. Texano -- in a Unique Opportunity Tournament Match

Pre-Match: Dario Cueto comes out and says any time he sees a biker or cowboy he thinks of a bar fight. So why not makes this a Boyle Heights Bar Fight. This explains why there's a bar at ringside.

Havoc and Texano exchange shoulder blocks. Texano gets caught with the patented Son of Havoc flying back elbow. Texano tries to charge Havoc but he ducks, and Texano falls to the outside. SOH hits a perfect Asai moonsault to wipe the "Blue Collar Brawler" out. Havoc tries for his Muta-esque handspring elbow, but Texano ducks and nails him with a kick. Havoc regains control with a running moonsault off the announce table. Havoc sends Texano through a door. SOH whips Texano from behind the door, and emerges with a fireman's hat and a fire extinguisher. (Striker makes a great Firebreaker Chip reference).

Texano grabs a bottle, and cracks it over SOH's head, but he's got the helmet on. Texano gains control with some kicks. He begins placing bar stools in the ring. He walks towards the back and grabs some chairs, and then finds a keg and puts them in the ring. He wedges the keg in the corner. He then grabs his bull rope, and wraps his hand. He nails SOH with it. He goes for another punch, but SOH ducks. Havoc nails Texano with a dropkick which sends him into the keg.

Somehow the barstools are broken (editing took something out here), and Havoc lays them on the ground. Havoc hits a rana off the top, sending Texano through the wood. Havoc charges Texano the corner, but Texano sends him to the mat. Texano sets up a chair to Havoc's crotch, and then hits that chair with another, crushing Havoc's balls.

Somehow, Havoc regains control, and ends up sending Texano...THROUGH THE BAR...with a rana. The bar explodes in a heap of wood, glass, and liquor. Havoc grabs a box of empty bottles, crushes them, and send Texano through them with a double stomp, and then a front kick. Havoc rolls him up for the pin.

Winner: Son of Havoc

The Mack vs. Son of Havoc -- Unique Opportunity Finals

Pre-Match: Dario Cueto makes this a falls count anywhere match.

The Mack starts off strong with a Pounce. He then hits a twisting splash off the top for a one count only. Mack tosses SOH to the outside, and rocks him with a punch. Havoc gets tossed into the guardrail. He fights back with chops to Mack's chest. Havoc tosses Mack headfirst into the wooden bleachers. Back in the ring, SOH charges the Mack, but gets hung up in the ropes. Mack takes the advantage of the situation by hitting a backbreaker, and then twisting Flatliner off the ropes.

Mack charges Havoc, but Havoc pulls the rope down, and Mack tumbles outside. Havoc nails him with a cartwheel into a flying splash to the outside. Havoc takes way too long to set up for the Shooting Star, and gets two knees to the gut when he lands. Mack rolls him up, but only for a two count. They get back to their feet. Havoc hits a forearm in the corner, but Mack counters with a splash in the corner, Havoc counters with a handspring elbow to the other corner.

Havoc goes to the top rope, and nails a Shooting Star that ends up being more of a Shooting Star head butt. Havoc covers for the win.

Winner: Son of Havoc

In the Ring: Dario Cueto presented Son of Havoc with two briefcases -- one with $250,000 in it, or one with a contract to main event Ultima Lucha Tres -- for the Lucha Underground Title. Havoc says he doesn't care if it was $250 million in the case (I would care, but I'm not a masked biker), he wants the main event. Dario hands it to him, but there's A CATCH.

If Son of Havoc can win one more match, he'll get the main event...if he loses, his opponent gets the money. So...RING THE BELL.

Son of Havoc vs......

Pre-Match: Famous B comes out, and says he has a new client -- who's already famous. But he also notices Son of Havoc looks sick...good thing there's a doctor in the house.

Famous B turns around to reveal the logo of...DR. WAGNER JR. on his jacket.

Bien, bien, bien indeed, one of the most famous luchadors of the modern era has arrived at The Temple. The crowd at the temple pops pretty huge for his debut.

Son of Havoc vs. Dr. Wagner Jr.

Wagner starts off with a big spear, followed by a Samoan drop. He lights SOH up with forearms and chops. He whips Havoc to the other side of the ring, places Havoc on the top rope, and hits a flying cutter. Havoc regains control with a springboard cross body followed by clotheslines, and the Muta handspring elbow. He hits a jumping pump kick, and goes for the Shooting Star.

Sadly, he misses, and Wagner nails the Doctor Driver (Michinoku Driver).

Winner: Dr. Wagner Jr.

Ultima Luchas Dos Card (Remaining):

Death Match: Mil Muertes vs. King Cuerno

Trios Title Match: PJ Black, Jack Evans, Johnny Mundo (C) vs. Aerostar, Fenix, Drago

Ivelisse vs. Taya

Gift of the Gods Match: Daga, Sexy Star, Sinestro de la Muerte, Mariposa, Kill Shot, Marty "The Moth" Martinez, and the surprise luchador

Black Lotus vs. El Dragon Azteca Jr.

Lucha Underground Title: Mantanza Cueto (C) vs. Pentagon Jr.

Dream Match: Prince Puma vs. Rey Mysterio