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View Full Version : NXT Report / Results - 13th Jul, 2016

07-14-2016, 08:45 AM
NXT Report / Results - 13th Jul, 2016
Location: Winter Park, Florida
Announcers: Tom Phillips and Corey Graves.

Tonight, Shinsuka Nakamura faces Finn Balor. We have a video package to remind us about the match.

We see Balor arriving in the locker room earlier today. We see Nakamura doing some training before the match.

NXT Heavyweight Champion Samoa Joe makes his way to the ring.

Joe says he came here for a few reasons. First, he is here to witness Finn Balor versus Shinsuke Nakamura. A lot of people in the arena and watching at home are here to watch Balor versus Nakamura. Joe says the implications of that match are disrespectful and a direct insult to Joe. Finn and Shinsuke think that whoever wins tonight automatically becomes a contender for his championship.
Joe says she came here to separate the fantasy from the reality. Some of you people think that tonight Finn Balor will be victorious and avenge his loss to regain the NXT Champion. Joe says he slayed the demon and he is the undisputed NXT Champion. Some of the very same people chanting his name like hyprocrites think that the King of Strong Style will be victorious tonight and he will ride that momentum to his first NXT Championship.
The reality is Joe was the man who first brought Strong Style to these shores. If you are the king, you stand before the Emperor and you will fail and fall upon those who failed before you. Joe says he is the face of NXT and he is a warrior. If you want to do anything here, you go through him. Joe says . . .

Rhyno makes his way to the ring.

Rhyno says that Joe is the one he has to go through to get to the top so he will go through him. Rhyno asks the warrior.

Joe walks away.
Joe says he will whip Rhyno's ass on his time because he runs things around here.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bayley will face Nia Jax next week. American Alpha will face the Authors of Pain next week as well. Samoa Joe will face Rhyno next week.

We have a video package for Finn Balor and Shinsuke Nakamura.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Finn Balor

They lock up for a moment in a knuckle lock. They go for a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock and Balor with a waist lock. Nakamura with a wrist lock but Balor wtih a reversal. Nakamura witha cartwheel and a reversal. Balor with a side head lock and he takes Nakamura to the mat. Balor holds on to the side head lock when Nakamura tries to send him off the ropes. Nakamura gets Balor up but Balor holds on to the side head lock and takes Nakamura to the mat. Nakamura with a rollup for a near fall. Nakamura backs Balor to the ropes and he gives a Nakamura clean break but Balor gives a too sweet to Nakamura.

Nakamura with a knee but Balor with a drop kick for a near fall. Balor with a side head lock. Nakamura with forearms and he Irish whips Balor. Balor goes to the apron and Nakamura blocks a kick and connects with a kick of his own. Nakamura with boots to Balor in the corner. Nakamura does it a second time and then he goes to the floor. Nakamura hangs Balor's head over the apron and Nakamura with a running knee to the head followed by a knee drop off the apron.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Nakamura with a leaping knee drop for a near fall. Balor holds his neck while Nakamura connects with knees to the midsection. Nakamura with an Irish whip but Balor with a drop kick to the knees as he comes out of the corner. Balor starts to work on the legs. Balor with a front face lock but Nakamura gets to his feet. Nakamura with a sunset flip and Balor rolls through and hits a drop kick for a near fall. Balor sends Nakamura into the turnbuckles and he chops Nakamura as they go around the ring. Balor with an Irish whip and running chop. Balor with an Irish whip and Nakamura gets his leg up but Balor blocks it. Balor kicks the leg and then he drops a knee onto Nakamura's knee while in the ropes. Balor with a surfboard.
Balor gets a near fall after driving the knees into the mat. Balor with an uppercut to the back of the knee and he applies a heel hook. Nakamura gets to the ropes and Balor releases the hold. Nakamura with punches but Balor with a kick. Nakamura with a knee and then he hits a kick and both men are down. Nakamura with punches and a forearm. Nakamura with kicks to Balor that sends him into the corner. Nakamura with knees in the corner and Nakamura kicks Balor.

Nakamura puts Balor on the turnbuckles and hits a running knee to the midsection and Nakamura gets a near fall. Balor with elbows and a chops but Nakamura with a boot. Balor with an enzuigiri to send Nakamura to the floor. Balor with a drop kick to knock Nakamura off the apron. Balor with a running kick on the apron and we go to commercial.
We are back and Balor with a double stomp to the back of the head and Balor gets a near fall. Nakamura with knees and a kick but Balor with a knee bar and he grapevines the leg. Balor goes to a heel hook and Nakamura gets to the ropes. Balor with an elbow to the leg but Nakamura with a knee to Balor. Nakamura floats over into a cross arm breaker and turns it into a triangle.

Balor appears to be passing out but he gets a second wind and gets his foot on the ropes. Nakamura with knees to the head and he picks up Balor and sends Balor to the mat wtih a gourdbuster. Balor moves when Nakamura charges into the corner and Balor with a kick. Balor with a reerse Island Driver for a near fall. Balor with Sling Blade and Nakamura with a flying boot and then he hits Kinshasa to the back of the head for a near fall. Nakamura charges but Balor with a leaping double stomp for a near fall.

Balor picks up Nakamura for Bloody Sunday but Nakamura blocks it. Nakamura with a punch and knee followed by a forearm. Balor with a forearm. They exchange forearms. Balor with punches and back heel kicks . Nakamura with a round kick and Balor with another Sling Blade and Balor hits the running drop kick to send Nakamura into the turnbuckles. Balor goes to the apron and he goes up top for the Coup De Grace. Nakamura moves and Nakamura with a knee off the turnbuckles and he hits Kinshasa for the three count.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

After the match
Nakamura and Balor shake hands and hug.

They both bow in the center of the ring and add a fist bump.

We go to credits.