View Full Version : Pat Patterson Talks Fighting With Vince, Says Ziggler Has Most Potential On Roster

07-30-2016, 04:31 PM
Hall of Famer Pat Patterson recently shed some light on his behind-the-scenes dealings in the WWE. In an interview with The Rack podcast, Patterson talked about working with WWE Chairman Vince McMahon.

“I have good ideas and they listen,” Patterson said. “When you work with Vince McMahon for so many years you have to be creative, you have to come up with ideas and sometimes Vince and I would sometimes go and argue and debate on a certain subject. I wasn’t there to be a yes man, I gave my point of view and I stood on it.”

One of Patterson’s ideas was the Royal Rumble, which he said Vince McMahon wasn’t a fan of when he first pitched it.

“When I came up with the Royal Rumble, Vince (McMahon) thought it was a stupid idea,” Patterson revealed. “I said it’s not, it’s going to work, oh my god give me a break, he didn’t want to do it. It is now one of our the best pay per views we have every year. It is fun and the talent likes it.”

Patterson says he’s had to fight Vince on several issues over the years. Among them were bringing back talents who Vince had thought he was done with in the past, like Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart. Patterson had fought for those two talents years prior when Vince didn’t want to do the 60-minute Iron Man match between the two at WrestleMania 12. Patterson says he had to really convince Vince to go through with the match, and he says what Michaels and Hart did that night is something he will never forget.

As far as WWE’s current roster goes, Patterson feels that Dolph Ziggler has the biggest potential of anyone.

“I see it big time. He has come a long way, this kid,” Patterson said of Ziggler. “My point of view is if you got guys like Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and all of these characters that are bigger than life, but those little guys, people love them. They are talented. That what makes feel that these can do nice things too.”

Pat’s book, Accepted: How the First Gay Superstar Changed WWE hits shelves on August 9th.