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Shootkick Man
08-02-2016, 12:54 AM
The event cards for the August tour have been released as it was announced that the GHC Heavyweight and GHC Junior belts will be in defense on August 25 at the Differ Ariake.

In addition, Genba Hirayanagi formally announced that he would be retiring from the ring at the last show on 7/30 at Korakuen. During the press conference today he announced his retirement match will be on September 10 at Korakuen. He also stated that he wants his final match to have Captain NOAH, Go Shiozaki and Maybach Taniguchi all involved, but nothing has been decided as of yet.

As for the upcoming title matches, Takashi Sugiura managed to reclaim the belt on the last show by taking out the so-called “savior” in Shiozaki and Suzuki-gun once more aims to crush NOAH. Though that night did not go in total favor of the group as Maybach Taniguchi, once more dawning his mask, rushed in the ring and took out SZKG like no one single handily has done before. Taniguchi made it known that he wants to bring the belt back to NOAH and even gave Sugiura a dose of his own medicine, twice now, by putting the new champion through a table.

Then Kenoh will be getting the next shot against Kanemaru on the 8/25 show as well. Kenoh stands with a direct win over the champion stemming from the junior tag league match back on 7/25 and thus called out for the next title shot. Kanemaru though has made a direct line through the main NOAH juniors and looks to add Kenoh’s name to his defense record like everyone else. Kenoh has sworn though that he will bring the belt back home to NOAH where it belongs.

Below is the announced card for the 8/25 show…

Pro Wrestling NOAH “Summer Navigation 2016”, 8/25/2016 [Thu] 19:00 @ Differ Ariake in Tokyo

(1) Akitoshi Saito, Yoshinari Ogawa & Hajime Ohara vs. Hitoshi Kumano, Shiro Tomoyose & Kaito Kiyomiya
(2) Taichi, El Desperado & TAKA Michinoku vs. Daisuke Harada, Atsushi Kotoge & Taiji Ishimori
(3) Minoru Suzuki & Takashi Iizuka vs. Muhammad Yone & Quiet Storm
(4) Naomichi Marufuji & Go Shiozaki vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima & Masa Kitamiya

(5) GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship Match: [31st Champion] Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. [Challenger] Kenoh
~ 4th title defense.

(6) GHC Heavyweight Championship Match: [27th Champion] Takashi Sugiura vs. [Challenger] Maybach Taniguchi
~ 1st title defense.