View Full Version : Nate Diaz Reacts To Wild Scene With Conor McGregor At UFC 202 Presser

08-18-2016, 10:27 PM

It was obvious from the start Nate Diaz wasn’t amused by Conor McGregor at the UFC 202 pre-fight press conference.

After sitting and answering his questions, Diaz decided enough was enough and exited the stage. McGregor, who showed up almost a half-hour late for the event, didn’t let his opponent just leave without saying anything.

That caused a melee to break out, as McGregor’s camp and Diaz’s camp – along with the fighters themselves – exchanged words and water bottles.

“That guy walked in like he was the show, but I thought the show was over,” said Diaz, during an interview on UFC Tonight. “So I left the show.”

Diaz still doesn’t believe that the UFC wants him to win, but the Stockton bad boy isn’t about to be quiet no matter what goes down Saturday night.

“I’m too real for this whole game. They can’t have a guy like me win. Look at what’s happening. I get paid finally, and they sell the UFC,” he said. “It’s changing because of what’s going on. That’s why they threw me back in there, they want to weed me out and try to get me out of here. It’s already an unstoppable force that’s going. The game is in trouble with someone like me winning. They hope I don’t win. It’s all good. Either way, it’s kill or be killed. Win or lose, I plan on winning and my voice will be heard. I got too big not to be heard.”