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View Full Version : New Universal Champion Finn Balor injury worry at Summerslam

08-22-2016, 09:18 AM
New WWE Universal Champion Finn Balor was injured during his Summerslam match against Seth Rollins. Balor had his arm in a sling after the WWE SummerSlam PPV and there is concern that the injury is so serious it could require surgery.

Thoughts were he did not hold up the Universal belt after his win due to the crowd continued to boo and more at the look of the new title but it is possible he did not lift it due to the injury of his arm.

Balor will be getting examined tomorrow and once WWE has a determination on exactly how serious the injury is, WWE will decide on what to do. A quick note, Balor is slated to appear on Good Morning America tomorrow at 8 AM EST.

08-22-2016, 03:11 PM
Just saw him on GMA and he looked fine. If there is any truth to the injury report, I'll have an update later.

08-22-2016, 09:06 PM
Just saw him on GMA and he looked fine. If there is any truth to the injury report, I'll have an update later.

Ok man :) I hope he is ok.