View Full Version : Paige & Alberto Del Rio Reportedly Harassed By WWE Official To End Their Relationship

09-03-2016, 05:18 AM
Following the news of Alberto Del Rio giving notice to WWE that he’s opting out of his contract, Mister Saint Laurent of MLW Radio has dropped some explosive new details surrounding the company’s efforts to end his romantic relationship with Paige.

On the latest episode of the “MSL & Sullivan” podcast, MSL told co-host Kevin Sullivan that WWE official Mark Carrano approached Del Rio and Paige individually and made it very clear where they stand on the matter.

“Mark Carrano, who fans might know from Total Divas, kind of like the office liaison guy, approached Del Rio and Paige individually and harassed each of them about their relationship,” MSL said. “It was indicated that the office wanted them to sever their romantic relationship.”

Many people saw WWE drafting Paige and Del Rio to different brands as a sign of the company’s displeasure with them dating. MSL says that was indeed the case and claims WWE actually threatened to fire Paige if she didn’t break up with Del Rio.

“A lot of people speculated if this was the reason [WWE] split them up in the draft and that’s definitely what happened. The company did not want them together. They split them up in the draft by design and they threatened to fire Paige if she didn’t break up with Del Rio.”

Paige is currently serving a 30-day suspension for violating the talent wellness policy. Del Rio will be free to work elsewhere in the near future. The two have been romantically linked since earlier this year when they were spotted making out at Disney World back in May.

09-03-2016, 04:03 PM
Still want to know what Paige got suspended for, everyone keeping it under their belt it seems.

As for their relationship, I still say Del Rio looks like her old dad in photos lol