View Full Version : Notorious runaway robot handcuffed and arrested at political rally

09-18-2016, 12:45 PM
A ‘notorious’ runaway robot – that has already escaped from its lab twice – has now been arrested while attending a political rally.


The machine – known as Promobot – was apparently supporting Russian Parliamentary candidate Valery Kalachev at a rally in Moscow when police stepped in, reports The Mirror.

Eyewitnesses say officers placed Promobot under arrest, even trying to get it in handcuffs before taking it away.

Reports suggest the arrest occurred after a member of the public called police to complain about the fact that Promobots were recording the opinions of voters for ‘further processing and analysis by the candidate’s team’.

A company spokesman told Inverse magazine:

"Police [were] asked to remove the robot away from the crowded area, and even tried to handcuff him. According to eyewitnesses, the robot did not put up any resistance."

But this isn’t the first time Promobot has been in trouble with the law. The mischievous machine hit headlines in June when it managed to escape from its lab and cause traffic chaos as it walked down a busy street – twice.


Although it didn’t get too far as its batteries ran out, leaving it stranded in the middle of the road.

Promobot is a unique ‘promotional robot’ – created by Russian scientists and designed to interact with humans realistically.

Apparently it can answer questions and remember every person it has ever met – although it sounds like bids for freedom are its main focus at the moment…