View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results – 9/28/2016

09-29-2016, 03:45 PM
We are in Cleveland, Ohio and your announcers are Tom Phillips and David Otunga.

Match Number One: Apollo Crews versus Tyler Breeze

They lock up and Crews backs Breeze into the corner and Crews with a clean break. They lock up again and Crews backs Breeze into the corner and gives a clean break but Breeze with a side head lock. Crews with a side head lock of his own. Crews flips over Breeze and then he hits a drop kick. Crews gets a near fall.

Breeze with a kick using the referee as a bit of a distraction. Breeze sends Crews into the turnbuckles and he kicks Crews. Breeze with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Breeze with a forearm for a near fall. Breeze with a rear chin lock. Crews with shoulders in the corner and then he climbs the turnbuckles to punch Breeze but Breeze gets away and super kicks Crews in the back of the leg and we go to commercial.

We are back and Breeze kicks Crews in the knee. Breeze hyper extends the knee and then punches Crews before getting a near fall. Breeze works on the knee. Breeze with a knee to the midsection but Crews with a flying clothesline but both men are down. Crews with forearms and a back heel kick and a boot to the head.

Breeze drops Crews on the top rope and then he goes up top but Crews catches him and hits a power slam for a near fall. Breeze kicks Crews in the knee when the referee talks to Crews about backing up. Crews presses Breeze over his head but Breeze gets to his feet and he applies a single leg crab. Crews gets to the ropes and Breeze releases the hold.

Breeze goes for the leg again but Crews with an enzuigiri and he gets a near fall. Breeze sends Crews over the top rope but Crews lands on the apron and he hits a kick. Crews flips back in but his knee gives out. Breeze with a forearm into the corner twice but Crews with a flying boot and kip up. Crews with the tossed power bomb for the three count.

Winner: Apollo Crews

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at the match between Rusev and Roman Reigns from Raw.

Match Number Two: Baron Corbin versus Kane

They lock up and Corbin pushes Kane and then Corbin goes to the floor before Kane can do anything. Corbin returns to the ring and then they lock up again. Corbin with a forearm in the corner and then he punches and kicks Kane in the other corner. Kane with an uppercut and then he kicks Corbin. Kane with another uppercut and sends Corbin into the turnbuckles. Kane with kicks in the corner.

Corbin with a knee to the midsection and then he tries to suplex Kane but Kane blocks it. Kane with a suplex. Kane chokes Corbin in the ropes. Kane with an Irish whip and Corbin slides to the floor. Kane follows Corbin to the floor and he punches Corbin. Kane with a head butt. Corbin Irish whips Kane into the ring steps and we go to commercial.

We are back and Corbin punches Kane in the corner. Corbin with a knee to the midsection. Corbin with a quarter nelson and chin lock but Kane with punches and a jawbreaker. Kane runs into a boot from Corbin but Kane sends Corbin aside and Corbin slides to the floor and returns with a clothesline and then he punches Kane and gets a near fall. Corbin punches Kane but Kane with a jumping DDT and both men are down. Corbin punches Kane but Kane punches back. Kane with a shoulder tackle followed by a clothesline and a few clotheslines into the corner followed by a side slam and he gets a near fall.
Kane with a drop kick to Corbin and he sets for the choke slam. Kane grabs Corbin but Corbin with elbows. Kane with a boot to Corbin and Corbin rolls to the floor and heads up the ramp. Kane follows after Corbin and hits Corbin from behind. Kane sends Corbin into the ring and Corbin rolls out on the other side of the ring. Kane grabs Corbin by the hair but the referee stops Kane. Corbin hits Kane in the leg with a chair and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Kane (by disqualification)

After the match, Corbin brings the chair into the ring but Kane grabs Corbin by the throat but Corbin avoids the choke slam and he gets out of the ring and heads up the ramp to the stage.