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View Full Version : My 1st TNA PPV in 2002

10-21-2016, 02:35 PM
My first experience with NWA-TNA was in 2002 at a live PPV in Nashville Tennessee. I finally found the card for that show and thought I would share it.

I just realized, that night was when TNA "offically" joined the National Wrestling Alliance. (Funny thing too, I was at Slammiversary 2007 when they switched the NWA title to the TNA World title).

I've been searching for a streaming video link, but the one I had, was deleted by YouTube. Anyway, here's the card & results:

NWA: Total Nonstop Action PPV
July 3, 2002 - Nashville, Tennessee
Announcers: Mike Tenay, Don West. and Ed Ferrera..

Jim Miller (NWA President) & Mike Tenay..
Jim Miller presented Mike Tenay with a trophy.
The trophy officially welcomes TNA into the NWA family.
Miller said that he couldn't make it to the first two shows because he was in Japan.
Miller says that the winner of the Ken Shamrock/Malice NWA-TNA title match...
...will face Omori on next week's show!

NWA TAG TEAM TITLE Tournament: Chris Harris & James Storm vs The Johnsons w/Mortimer.
Harris pinned one of the Johnsons to get the win..
After the match, Mortimer Plumtree started to yell at his team for losing the match.
The Johnson's set Plumtree up in the chokeslam position!
But, they released him and instead just pushed him to the mat and left the ring area.
Plumtree started to chase after them yelling "We can be Friends!"

IN THE RING: Scott Hall & Jeff Jarrett.
Scott Hall got only a few words in, when Jeff Jarrett came up onto the TNA stage.
Jarrett started to "diss" Hall, but Hall told Jarrett to "bring it."
Jarrett started to walk to the ring, but NWA President Jim Miller stopped him.
He told Jarrett that he can't just run the company and do whatever he wants to do.
Miller told Jarrett to wait for the main event..
A tag team match with them Jarrett and Hall included.
Jarrett apparently agreed with the President and left.
But then K-Krush came through the crowd and started to attack Hall.
Hall easily fought back, as he went for the Outsider's Edge but it was countered.
Hall hit a slam and a clothesline to get rid of K-Krush from the ring.
Main event pits Brian Christopher & Scott Hall against Jeff Jarrett and K-Krush.

BACKSTAGE: Chris Harris & James Storm.
Chris Harris and James Storm down on the ground and bleeding.

MATCH: Monty Brown vs Anthony Ingram.
Before the match, Monty made it clear that he wants Shamrock's title..
Monty Brown wins following an AlphaBomb (powerbomb) on Ingram!

INTERVIEW: Goldilocks.
Goldilocks is looking for NWA President Jim Miller..
She says she has already searched the whole building twice.
Puppet the Psycho Dwarf then appeared demanding that management get him some competition.

NWA TAG TEAM TITLE Tournament: The Rainbow Express w/Gertner vs Apolo & Buff Bagwell..
Before the match, Goldilocks interviewed Buff & Apolo..
Buff stated that Apolo was the second best wrestler in the company, right behind Buff.
Apolo seemed annoyed that Bagwell didn't let Apolo speak very much.
Lenny and Bruce were already in the ring when Apolo and Bagwell came to the ring..
Late in the match, Bagwell hit his finisher, the Blockbuster, on Bruce.
But he stopped to pose once again after he hit it instead of going for the pin and win.
Lenny took advantage and nailed Buff with a superkick and pinned him for the 1-2-3!

IN THE RING: Buff Bagwell & Ed Ferrara.
Apolo left, but Bagwell stayed in the ring.
Ed Ferrara went to go talk to him.
He then said that he did not want to be called "Buff" right now.
He talked about his history in wrestling..
Bagwell said that he wants to be called by his real name, Marcus.
He said he was done, and he is going home.
He left the ring as the fans sang "Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye".

IN THE RING: Ken Shamrock..
Ken Shamrock came to the ring.
He said he was confused as to why Monty Brown wants a title shot after only one match..
He said that Monty Brown may have a very short career in the NWA-TNA...
The fans chanted "what" after whatever Shamrock said. ..
He talked about his upcoming matches, and said that he would get rid of Monty..
The lights went out as Jim Mitchell appears and tells Shamrock he should fear Malice..
The lights turn back on..
We see Shamrock lying motionless on the mat with Malice standing over him.

BACKSTAGE: Bill Behrens & Jerry Lynn.
Bill Behrens is on the phone..
Jerry Lynn tries to tell him that he can find a partner and take Storm & Harris' place..
Behrens gets mad as he starts complaining about Shamrock, Storm and Harris...
...all getting laid out and that NWA president Jim Miller cannot be found!

IN THE RING: Puppet.
Puppet comes out and demands someone to come out. ..
Another midget Todd Stone comes out and the match starts.

MATCH: Puppet vs Todd Stone.
Puppet hits Stone with a kendo stick as he came into the ring.
He then hit Stone with a trashcan followed by a clothesline and another trashcan shot.
Puppet then slammed Stone onto the trashcan.
He placed the trashcan on the head of Stone and then wacking it with the kendo stick.
Puppet then hit a stunner on the trash can to pick up the 1-2-3 and the win.
Puppet hits the referee, Jeremy Borash, Don West, and Stone again with the kendo stick.
He then chased the referee to the back.

UPDATE: Goldilocks + EMTs + Shamrock.
Goldilocks updates us on the condition of Ken Shamrock..
The EMT's say that they are not sure if Shamrock can defend his belt tonight..
Shamrock kept trying to get up and leave while the EMT's attended to him.

MATCH: Taylor Vaughn (Miss TNA) vs Francine.
Francine took a leather strap out of her boot and started to whip and choke Taylor with it.
Referee Scott Armstrong grabbed it and took it away..
But Taylor grabbed it from the ref and proceeded to whip and chope Francine with it..
The ref tried to stop her, but Taylor hit him too..
The referee then disqualified Taylor Vaughn, giving the DQ victory to Francine.
Ed Ferrara got into the ring to help Francine, telling her she is the winner.
Francine then put Ferrara's hand on her breast...
She then slapped him for touching it!
She then whipped him with the leather strap.
Ferrara is confused.

INTERVIEW: Jeremy Borash & NASCAR driver Hermie Sadler..
Sadler said he was glad to be a part of the debut of the NWA-TNA.
He talked about the NASCAR fans in Nashville.
But the interview was interrupted by K-Krush.
Krush had some NWA-TNA security behind him.
Sadler took down Krush, as the two were separated.
Krush said that he was in the main event tonight, but he would take Sadler next week!
Next week we'll see K-Krush vs. NASCAR driver Hermie Sadler!

NWA WORLD TITLE: Ken Shamrock vs Malice.
Shamrock came out..
Announcers said he could not have fully recovered from Malice's attack earlier.
Malice started to attack the neck immediately.
Late in the match, Mitchell handed Malice a chain, while he distracted the referee.
Malice hit Shamrock with it and then applied the Dragon Sleeper.
Malice then rolled back into the ring to break the referee's 10-count.
He then went back out to get Shamrock and take him back into the ring.
Malice started to stomp on Shamrock, but then out of nowhere Shamrock grabbed the ankle!
Shamrock put the anklelock on Malice!
Malice got to the ropes pretty fast though.
Malice then connected with back-to-back back suplexes.
Shamrock countered a suplex by connecting with a snap suplex of his own!
Shamrock ducked some of Malice's kicks.
He then hit a belly to belly suplex, and got the 1-2-3 in a match dominated by Malice!

X TITLE MATCH: AJ Styles vs David Young..
Bobcat came to ringside and talked on a cellphone..
After a long classic X-Style match..
Young went up top to try a hurricanrana, but AJ hit his finisher, the Styles Clash!
Styles pins Young for the win..

BACKSTAGE: Goldilocks & Joel Gertner & The Rainbow Express.
Joel started to flirt with Goldilocks during the interview.
He said that the Rainbow Express would have to be declared the champions...
...since their opponents, Harris and Storm cannot wrestle..
Joel kissed Goldy, as Lenny & Bruce said it was gross.

IN THE RING: Jeremy Borash.
Jeremy Borash said there has to be a match and he introduced the Express' opponents:
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn!

NWA TAG TEAM TITLE Tournament FINAL: The Rainbow Express w/Gertner vs Styles & Lynn..
After a long hard fought match..
Styles hit a spiral tap from the top rope onto Lenny Lane to pick up a SURPRISING victory!
They celebrated as fireworks went off!
AJ Styles & Jerry Lynn are your new NWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!

We see NWA president, Jim Miller, was tied with rope backstage..
Miller has the letters "F U" written on his stomach.

MAIN EVENT: Scott Hall & Brian Christopher vs Jeff Jarrett & K-Krush..
Hall and Jarrett started to brawl in one of the TNA girl dance cages.
K-Krush and Brian Christopher managed to get back into the ring.
Christopher then hit a backdrop followed by a superkick.
Meanwhile, Hall was beating up Jarrett on the announcers table..
Christopher missed the top rope legdrop, and Krush tossed him to the floor.
Hall got in and Krush tried to avoid a hiptoss, but was given a chokeslam.
K-Krush then rolled out, as Jarrett and Hall started to go one-on-one.
We finally get things organized here as Hall is in the ring with Jeff Jarrett.
Hall nails a clothesline on Jarrett, followed by some dancing.
He missed a charge into the corner because he danced.
Scott Hall was then tagged back in.
Hall went to whip Jarrett, but it was countered as Hall nailed Christopher by accident.
Jarrett then tagged in K-Krush, who went up top and nailed a dropkick.
He followed that up with a forearm.
He got the match's first pin attempt, a two-count.
Jarrett then was tagged in and he hit a neckbreaker on Scott Hall.
He went for the pin, but got a near fall.
Krush was tagged in now, as he hit a leg lariat on Hall.
He got another two-count.
Jarrett was now tagged in, as he hit a bodypress from the top rope.
Hall rolled through though, but got a two-count.
Jarrett hit a clothesline on Hall, but got yet another near fall.
Jarrett then grabbed Hall, and put him in a sleeper.
Hall countered into a sleeper of his own, though!
But, Jarrett countered that by hitting a jawbreaker and a back to back suplex.
K-Krush was then tagged in, as he locked in a chinlock on Hall.
Hall then used his size and strength to stand up, even with Krush on his back.
He then fell backwards creating a sandwich with him and the ring being the bread.
Jarrett then came in, but Hall clotheslined both of them.
Hall went to go tag Christopher after a long wait, but Christopher turned on Hall!
Brian punches Hall right in the face!
Jarrett then went after Hall, but he got an atomic drop for his effors.
Jarrett then hit the referee.
Hall then got up, and used his power to knock all three men out!
Hall hit his finisher, the Razor's Edge, on K-Krush but Jarrett came back and clipped Hall.
Hall tried to get his finished on Jarrett..
But Christopher came in the ring and kicked Hall in the stomach.
Jarrett then hit "the stoke" on Hall as Christopher hit his Hip Hop Drop!
Jarrett & Krush win as Jarrett made the easy pin.

IN THE RING: Jarrett, Krush & Christopher..
Jeff Jarrett, K-Krush and Brian Christopher all celebrated in the ring.
Jarrett grabbed a microphone and said Hall "wasn't worth a shit".
Jarrett said he beat him in '95, '97 and ran him out of the former WCW.
He then said that the "boys up north" ran him out of the WWF.
Jarrett said he would run Hall out of the NWA-TNA.
Jarrett then took Tenay's NWA trophy and smacked Hall over the head with hit.
Jarrett said Hall was "run out of the nWo," and he would run Hall out of the NWA.
As EMT's attended to Hall, Jarrett attacked him twice.
Show ends as we see Jarrett attacking Hall once again..


02-01-2017, 08:05 AM
Those were great days, I loved he old TNA shows