View Full Version : Floyd Mayweather Fires Back At Dana White, Disputes “Tough Guy” Personality

01-17-2017, 02:08 PM
Floyd Mayweather further stokes the fires with the UFC and Dana White, by reminding the franchise’s president of his early days.

Dana White’s offer last week of $25 million plus a cut of pay-per-view buys for a superfight with Conor McGregor led to Floyd Mayweather labelling Dana White “a f**king comedian”. White responded to Mayweather’s assertion that last week’s offer was too low, stating:

“Conor’s been around for three or four years. For him to think that he’s a much bigger star than Conor’s not true and I’m not gonna pay him way more money than I’m gonna pay my guy. We all know $25 million isn’t peanuts and so does he.”

Mayweather-promoted boxer Badou Jack fought James DeGale on Saturday, and “Money” was asked about why he turned down the offer.

“The last time I made $25 million – actually I made more – but the last time I made $25 million was 10 years ago,” Mayweather said. “I’m not bragging or boasting I’m just telling the truth. I’m appreciative and thankful, $25 million is still great money. But for the last, I don’t know how many years, my guaranteed lowest was like, 32, a little bit over 32 [million dollars]. In the Canelo [Alvarez] fight I made over $100 million in that fight and just in two fights, [Manny] Pacquiao and Canelo, those two fights, somewhere upwards of $400 million. $400 million or better. Sponsorship money leading up to the Pacquiao fight, that week I made 25 to 30 million [dollars]. So these are my numbers. They can say, ‘Floyd’s lying’ all they want to. If I was so desperate and hurting for money I would come back.”

With an approximate wealth of over $700 million, you can understand why $25 million would not warrant Mayweather’s immediate attention. An estimated haul of $250 million for his fight with Manny Pacquiao is ten times the base figure offered by White. Some have gone as far as to state that White is merely riding the PR train, rather than being serious in his attempts to secure a fight with the UFC’s prize asset.

Mayweather has made his feelings about White clear, and has made comments which are bound to hit the nerve of the UFC boss:

“I don’t want to talk to Dana White. Remember, Dana White, he was a player he was a boss but he was a small boss. The big bosses were the Fertittas. But then the Fertitta’s chose to sell the UFC so Dana is just an employee. Dana White – I like Dana White, I don’t have anything against him – but I can remember Dana White used to hang around me and Jeff Mayweather and carry my bags.

“Dana White, I remember when you used to carry my bags. And remember Dana White, I showed you love. You had the little Bullenbeisser patch I wore on my trunks for you, Dana. I’ve always been good to you. But then all of the sudden he cut his head bald and he’s such a tough guy. He’s such a tough guy.”

Mayweather and White have history which dates back over 20 years, established through the Bullenbeiser Boxing equipment which “Money” wore in his early pro days – Bullenbeiser is a company owned by Dana White. While Mayweather’s success led to pastures new, White’s interests in boxing ended in 2001 when he purchased the UFC with the Fertitta brothers. The sale of UFC to WME-IMG for $4 billion last year is rumored to have made White even richer than Mayweather.

Mayweather had one final shot at White, which is at time of writing, awaiting a response:

“All I’ve got to say is this, why every time Conor McGregor go out there and fight, Dana White is still an employee but Dana White makes more money than Conor McGregor when McGregor go out there and fight?”