View Full Version : WWE Main Event Report / Results - 27th Jan, 2017

02-04-2017, 02:58 PM

WWE Main Event - 27th Jan, 2017
Location - Cleveland, Ohio
Announcers - Tom Phililps, Byron Saxton, and Austin Aries.

Match Number One: Brian Kendrick versus Lince Dorado

They lock up and Kendrick with a hammer lock and forearm to the back of the head. Kendrick sends Dorado into the turnbuckles and connects with forearms. Kendrick runs into a boot and Dorado with a head scissors take down and a take down and back elbows. Dorado with a drop kick. Dorado is sent to the apron by Kendrick and Dorado avoids a punch and sends Kendrick into the turnbuckles.

Dorado with a cross body for a near fall. Dorado with a springboard head scissors that sends Kendrick to the floor. Dorado with a baseball slide into a head scissors and Kendrick is sent into the ringside barrier. Kendrick sends Dorado into the apron and then he puts Dorado’s leg in the ring frame and Kendrick with a drop kick.

Kendrick with a forearm to the back when Dorado gets back into the ring. Kendrick puts Dorado in the ropes and hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Kendrick goes for a reverse chin lock but Dorado blocks it. Kendrick tries for a full nelson but settles on a chin lock. Dorado avoids a kick and gets a near fall with a rollup. Kendrick with a forearm but he misses a short arm clothesline. Dorado with a springboard moonsault. Kendrick with a knee to the midsection.

Dorado with a spinning heel kick to the head and Dorado misses a drop kick in the corner but he lands on his feet and he hits a rana for a near fall. Dorado with a chop and Dorado with a handspring stunner but Kendrick kicks out at two. Dorado with a kick and Dorado goes up top for the shooting star press but Kendrick gets his knees up and he takes Dorado down and applies the Captain’s Hook and Dorado taps out.

Winner: Brian Kendrick

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the United States Title Match between Chris Jericho and Roman Reigns from Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Seth Rollins versus Sami Zayn match from Raw.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Alicia Fox versus Dana Brooke

They lock up and Dana backs Alicia into the corner and sends her into the turnbuckles a few times. Alicia with a waist lock and arm drag. Dana with a shoulder tackle and Dana does one arm push ups over Alicia. Alicia with a head scissors and arm drag into an arm bar. Alicia with a key lock but Dana with a slam. Alicia holds on to the key lock and gets a near fall.

Dana backs Alicia into the corner and kicks Alicia on the break. Dana with an Irish whip but Alicia with an elbow out of the corner. Alicia floats over and gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Alicia with a rollup for a near fall. Alicia with an arm wringer that sends Dana to the mat.

Dana goes to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Alicia with a Thesz Press and punches. Alicia with punches on the turnbuckles but she continues with punches when Dana moves out of the corner. Dana sends Alicia face first to the mat with a wheelbarrow slam. Dana poses and Alicia with a rollup for a near fall. Dana with a kick to the ribs. Dana with knee drops to the ribs and she gets a near fall. Dana chokes Alicia in the ropes. Alicia with a kick but Dana kicks back. Dana taunts Alicia and connects with forearms. Dana with a back breaker and a body scissors.

Alicia tries to get to the ropes but Dana with a rollup for a near fall. Alicia leans back and gets a near fall. Dana sends Alicia to the mat and Dana goes for a twisting splash but Alicia gets her knees up. Alicia with forearms and drop kicks. Alicia with kicks to the ribs followed by a Northern Lights suplex and she gets a near fall. Alicia with an Irish whip but Dana with an elbow. Alicia with a forearm and kick. Alicia with a scissors kick for the three count.

Winner: Alicia Fox

We go to commercial.
We are back with a look at how Raw ended this week.

We go to credits.