View Full Version : WWE Smackdown Report / Results - 31st Jan, 2017

02-04-2017, 03:26 PM

Smackdown Liven - 31st Jan, 2017
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas
Announcers: Mauro Ranallo, David Otunga, and John Layfield.

We start off with a look back at the Royal Rumble.

AJ Styles is in the office looking at a monitor with Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon.

Shane mentions Randy winning the Royal Rumble and John Cena and AJ Styles tearing the house down.

AJ wants to know about his rematch, but he says he doesn't want it in the Elimination Chamber.

Daniel says the best Smackdown talent will battle for the title in the Elimination Chamber.

Styles says he wants the one on one match. He asks who will be in the Elimination Chamber.

Shane says it will be AJ Styles, John Cena, Bray Wyatt, Miz, Baron Corbin and . . .

Dean Ambrose enters and he gets the sixth spot.

Dean calls AJ a 'Real Soccer Mom of Atlanta'.

Dean says that since James Ellsworth is in love and out of the picture, Dean says he has some unfinished business.

AJ says that won't happen, but Shane makes the match.

John Cena makes his way to the ring.

Cena wants everyone to know how they feel. John says the CHAMP IS HERE!!! John says the championship is the symbol that you are the man. That is what it is going to be. Part about being A man is being able to say you are wrong and that you are sorry. Cena mentions the people who were cheering for AJ Styles. Cena says that he is sorry to AJ Styles and that he was wrong about him. He is not just 'a guy from Atlanta'. AJ Styles is an elite level WWE Superstar who brings out the best in him. He knows they may disagree but AJ's performance in the Royal Rumble is what this championship is all about.

The Royal Rumble was a history making occasion. How are you going to celebrate making history? John says it ain't time to drop confetti or pop champagne because the title will be on the line in two weeks at the Elimination Chamber. He will celebrate by doing what he loves to do the most. Saying Smackdown Live is the place to be, John Cena is the man to beat, and if you want some . . .

The lights go out and The Wyatt Family make their way to the stage.

Bray mocks Cena and says THE CHAMP IS HERE. He says everything is right with the world, hooray, but he does not mean it. The more things change around here, the more they stay the same. It is like some vicious cycle. The hands of fate have dealt you back the championship you so blindly covet. In two week's time, you will be trapped like a rat inside the Elimination Chamber with him. There will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. He promises John that when everything is said and done, when the dust clears, he will be leaving that chamber the new WWE Champion. The world will have finally entered the Era of Wyatt.

Bray says this is his destiny. He says things are changing around here and if you don't believe him, you can ask his brother and the winner of the Royal Rumble match, Randy Orton.

Randy says if by some miracle you make it out of the chamber alive with that title, he will be waiting for you at Wrestlemania. One way or another we are going to stop this vicious cycle and set that WWE Championship free.

Bray tells John, 'We're Here'.

They go to the ring and Orton and Wyatt stand on opposite sides of the ring.

They enter the ring and the lights go out and Luke Harper stands in the ring when the lights come back on and he is standing next to Cena . . . and he is Cena's ally tonight.

Bray and Randy leave the ring

Shane McMahon comes out and makes the tag team match of Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt against John Cena and Luke Harper.

We go to commercial.

John Cena and Luke Harper vs Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton

Cena and Wyatt start things off. Cena with a side head lock. Cena with a shoudler tackle and he tries to get Wyatt up but Wyatt escapes and Orton tags in. Cena points to the sign and he wants to go, but Harper tags himself in and Harper wtih a forearm and a slingshot senton. Harper with a double leg take down and punches. Harper with an Irish whip but Orton with an elbow. Harper with a drop kick and then he catapults Orton into the middle rope.

Harper follows Orton to the floor and Wyatt gets in the way. Harper goes into the ring and rolls around Wyatt and he punches Orton and hits a back drop driver onto the announce table. Harper sends Orton back into the ring and Wyatt tags in. Wyatt gets in Harper's face and Harper does not back down at first, but Harper tags Cena in. Cena looks confused. Cena with punches but Wyatt with a back elbow and Cena backs into the corner. Wyatt with punches and kicks. Wyatt punches Cena and John goes down. Wyatt with forearms and punches to Cena.

Orton tags in and he kicks Cena as we go to commercial.

We are back and Wyatt with a back senton on Cena for a near fall. We see footage from the break when Orton hit a back drop driver onto the announce table on John Cena. Orton tags in and he kicks Cena and sets for the IEDDT and he hits it. Orton looks around and Orton twists to the mat and sets for the RKO but Cena pushes Orton away and Cena with a clothesline. Both men are down.

Wyatt tags in and he runs to the opposite corner and stares at Harper. Wyatt with a punch to Cena and he gets a near fall. Wyatt misses a back senton when Cena moves out of the way. Orton tags in and he hits a power slam and he gets a near fall. Orton with a forearm to knock Harper off the apron. Cena with the two flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb and Five Knuckle Shuffle. Orton escapes the Attitude Adjustment and he hits a back breaker.

Wyatt enters to separate Harper and Orton. Harper with a clothesline to Orton and then Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail but Harper escapes. Harper tries for Sister Abigail and Orton stops Harper. Wyatt with Sister Abigail to Harper and then Orton stops Cena from hitting an Attitude Adjustment and hits an RKO for the three count.

Winners: Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt

We go to commercial.

James Ellsworth comes out and he says he has something to say. He tells everyone to shush. He introduces Carmella.

Carmella (w/ Elsworth) vs Delilah Dawson

Carmella plays with Delilah's hair and Delilah with a side head lock. Carmella sends her to the mat and tosses Dawson by the hair. Ellsworth laughs at Dawson. Dawson with an inside cradle for a near fall. Carmella with a shoulder. Dawson with a kick but Ellsworth trips her. Carnella with the Code of Silence and Dawson taps out.

Winner: Carmella

Kalisto makes his way to the ring.

We go to commercial.

Kalisto vs Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler with a running forearm and kicks followed by a leaping elbow drop. Kalisto with kicks to the leg and to the head. Kalisto with an enzuigiri on the apron and he sets for a springboard cross body and he hits it and gets a near fall We see Crews watching in the back. Ziggler with a forearm and then he stomps on the shoulder. Ziggler with a neck breaker for a near fall. Ziggler taunts Kalisto. Kalisto with a kick to Ziggler and then he connects with forearms while Ziggler goes into the corner. Ziggler with super kick for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match:
Ziggler tries to take Kalisto's mask off and Apollo Crews makes his way to the ring and Ziggler goes into the crowd.

Naomi and Becky Lynch are in the interview area and Becky is asked about getting revenge. Becky says Mickie cost her the title and Mickie blames her for forgetting about her legacy. Becky is ready for revenge. Tonight, Naomi and her have a mutual understanding because they have mutual targets.

Naomi says that Alexa disrespected her last week and called her a nobody. On Sunday, this nobody became a somebody when she pinned that termite one, two, three. She felt the Glow on Sunday.

We go to commercial.

Alexa Bliss and Mickie James vs Naomi and Becky Lynch

Becky and Mickie start things off and Becky has something to say to Mickie before Mickie tags in Alexa. Becky with a waist lock take down and then she takes Alexa to the mat again. Naomi tags in and she hits a sunset flip for a near fall. Naomi with a kick and a leaping leg drop to the back of the neck for a near fall. Naomi goes for a cross body but she misses and bounces off the ropes. Mickie tags in and she kicks Naomi in the head. Mickie with a snap mare and drop kick for a near fall. Alexa tags in and she kicks Naomi in the ribs. Alexa stands on Naomi's face but Naomi with a kick. Alexa prevents the tag and gets a near fall. Alexa punches Naomi and then hits a knee drop and rolls through into a handspring knee drop.

Mickie and Becky tag in and Becky with two clotheslines and a drop kick. Becky with a running forearm into the corner and hits a jumping side kick and a back heel kick. Becky with an exploder for a near fall. Becky goes up top but Alexa tries to stop her. Becky kicks Alexa but Mickie with an arm wringer and a kick to Becky for a near fall. Mickie has the referee send Naomi back to the apron as we go to commercial.

We are back and Alexa with a head lock and she sends Becky to the mat and stands on Becky's hair. Mickie tags in and Alexa sends Becky into Mickie's boot. Mickie chokes Becky in the corner as the referee warns her. Alexa chokes Becky while the referee was not looking. Becky with punches to Mickie. Mickie with a punch but Becky with an Irish whip and Mickie with an elbow.

Mickie with a head scissors from the turnbuckles and she gets a near fall. Mickie with a sleeper and she traps Becky's arm. Alexa tags in and she connects with a forearm to the back. Becky with a kick but she cannot make the tag. Becky with a rollup for a near fall and Naomi tags in and hits a springboard cross body. Naomi with a drop kick to Mickie. Naomi with a round kick followed by a flip clothesline. Naomi with Speedball Kick followed by head scissors driver for a near fall.

Mickie and Alexa double team Naomi while the referee deals with Becky. Becky takes Mickie to the floor. Naomi with an enzuigiri and she hits the double jump split legged moonsault for the three count.

Winners: Naomi and Becky Lynch

Chad Gable and Jason Jordan are in the interview area. They are asked what's next. Chad says they have had the titles for a month and no one has stepped up to challenge them. Jason asks if everyone is scared. Chad wants to know if anyone wants to take the titles from them. Chad says they are going to make an open challenge.

We go to commercial.

American Alpha come to the ring for their open challenge and the Usos make their way to the ring.

They are followed by the Ascension and the Vaudevillains. Then Fandango and Tyler Breeze make their way to the ring.

Rhyno and Heath Slater make their way to the ring.

Everyone fights in the ring as mayhem ensues in the ring. Konnor and Gotch fight on the floor while security and referees try to resolve things.

We go to commercial.

We are back and everyone is still fighting and security and officials are having no luck.

The Usos work over Heath Slater and they go to the floor. Breeze is pulled out of the ring and he is punched on the floor. Rhyno punches Viktor in the corner as the referee waves his arms around. Gable and Jordan clothesline Konnor over the top rope.

Tom Phillips talks about the issues between Nikki Bella and Natalya and we see what happened last week.

Daniel Bryan is on the phone with Brie and he says he has a solution. Two members of security enter and they say it is all clear and Natalya enters.

Natalya says Nikki is out of control and she does not feel safe at work. Natalya says she figures she is here to talk about her new merchandise.

Nikki enters and Daniel says this is why he brought them in here.

Natalya talks about Nikki's boyfriend while Nikki talks about Natalya's family.

Daniel screams that he has had enough. Daniel says he is making a match between Nikki and Natalya at the Elimination Chamber.

Natalya storms out of the room.

Adrian Neville says he proved everyone wrong when he beat Rich Swann to become the new Cruiserweight Champion. He will prove on 205 Live that no one is worthy to step in the ring with the King of the Cruiserweights.

We go to commercial.

Miz and Maryse join the announcers.

Non Title Match
Dean Ambrose (c) vs AJ Styles

They lock up and Ambrose with a waist lock into a front face lock. Ambrose with a shoulder tackle. Styles with a waist lock but Ambrose with a wrist lock. Styles with a reversal. Ambrose with a side head lock. Styles with a side head lock. Styles with a shoulder tackle and Ambrose with arm drags and a slam. Ambrose with a side head lock take down. Ambrose goes for a Cloverleaf on Styles. Styles tries to get to the ropes and Ambrose with a modified Rings of Saturn. Styles gets his foot on the ropes. Styles goes to the floor and he hits a thrust kick when Ambrose goes to the floor and then Ambrose is sent into the announce table. Styles sends Ambrose back into the ring and he kicks Ambrose in the chest and punches him.

Styles with a flying forearm for a near fall. Styles with a chop. Ambrose with kicks but Ambrose is sent shoulder first into the ring post and Styles gets a near fall. Styles with a chin lock. Ambrose with punches. Ambrose with a flying clothesline and punches. Ambrose with a back body drop and a clothesline that sends Styles over the top rope.

Baron Corbin's music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Baron Corbin is on commentary as well.

Ambrose goes up top and Styles crotches him. Styles with a pump handle gut buster for a near fall. Styles wtih a kick to the back and he gets a near fall. Styles with a flying forearm into the corner followed by a flying clothesline. Styles misses a forearm into the corner when Ambrose moves. Styles with strikes but Ambrose with a swinging neck breaker. Ambrose with running forearms and a flying clothesline. Ambrose with a running forearm and he goes for a superplex. Styles escapes and he hits Snake Eyes on Ambrose. Styles with a torture rack but Ambrose with an O'Connor Roll. Styles goes for a springboard move but Ambrose with a forearm to send him to the floor.

Ambrose goes for a suicide dive but Styles with a jumping forearm and both men are down. Styles sets for the Phenomenal Forearm but Dean with a kick. Styles avoids the double underhook DDT. Ambrose bounces off the ropes but Styles avoids the clothesline. Ambrose with a suplex throw for a near fall. Ambrose runs into a boot and then Styles comes off the turnbuckles but Ambrose catches him. Styles with a crucifix rollup for a near fall. Styles with an Ushigoroshi for a near fall.

Styles with a rollup for a near fall. Ambrose wtih a near fall. Styles with a Pele Kick and Ambrose bounces off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Ambrose with a kick and Styles goes to the floor. Ambrose goes up top and hits the elbow to the chest.

Miz and Corbin brawl and Miz goes into the ring. Ambrose with a clothesline off the top but the referee does not see it. Ambrose with a suicide dive onto Corbin. Miz is sent into the ringside barrier. Styles with a kick and Styles Clash for the three count.

Winner: AJ Styles

After the match:
Miz attacks Ambrose and hits the Skull Crushing Finale. Corbin hits End of Days on Miz. Corbin wtih End of Days to Ambrose. Styles watches on the ramp.

We go to credits.