View Full Version : WWE Main Event Report / Results - 3rd Jan, 2017

02-04-2017, 03:45 PM

WWE Main Event - 3rd Feb, 2017
Location: Laredo, Texas
Announcers: Byron Saxton, Austin Aries, and Tom Phillips.

Sin Cara vs Bo Dallas

They lock up and Cara with a wrist lock and arm drag. Cara with another arm drag and he goes for a monkey flip but Bo puts Cara on the turnbuckles. Cara kicks Bo away and hits an arm drag off the turnbuckles. Bo with an Irish whip and Cara goes to the apron and he kicks Bo but Bo with a knee as Cara comes back into the ring. Bo with a hanging swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Bo with another near fall.
Bo with a series of knee drops for a near fall. Bo with a reverse chin lock. Bo with a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Bo with a reverse chin lock and Cara with elbows but Bo with a knee. Cara with an elbow and then he hits a suicide dive that sends Bo hard into the ringside barrier.

Cara rolls Bo back into the ring and Cara hits a springboard cross body followed by a springboard back elbow. Cara with kicks to the leg followed by a springboard moonsault and he gets a near fall.
Bo with an elbow to the head but Cara with a modified Olympic Slam and then he goes up top for the Fallen Star and the three count.

Winner: Sin Cara

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back to Raw when Kevin Owens defended the Universal Title against Braun Strowman.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Brock Lesnar’s appearance on Raw with Paul Heyman.

We go to commercial.

Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Xavier Woods vs Titus O’Neil, Epico, and Primo

Woods and Epico start things off and they lock up. Woods with a side head lock and head scissors. Woods with a palm strike for a near fall. Kofi tags in and hits a kick while Woods hits a sliding clothesline. Big E tags in and hits a Warrior Splash for a near fall. Big E with an abdominal stretch aand Kofi drop kicks Primo when he tries to interfere. Woods kicks Titus. The New Day with a triple abdominal stretch and it is time for some percussion play. Woods, Kofi, and Big E with back elbows that send Epico, Primo, and Titus to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Epico with shots to Woods. Titus makes the blind tag and hits a belly-to-back suplex. Titus mocks the New Day and then he puts Woods against the ropes and connects with forearms to the kidneys. Titus with a slam for a near fall. Primo tags in and he hits a splash to the back and goes to the floor. Primo with a slingshot splash for a near fall.

Primo with an arm bar. Woods goes for a sunset flip but Primo stays on his feet and Epico tags in and they hit a double kick and Epico gets a near fall. Epico with a key lock. Woods with punches and an arm drag, but he cannot make the tag and Epico runs Woods into his corner. Titus tags in and he chops Woods.

Titus sends Woods into the ring and gets a near fall. Woods with a jaw breaker and Titus knocks Big E off the apron. Titus grabs Woods by the hair and Woods with an enzuigiri and both men are down. Kofi and Primo tag in and Kofi with a springboard chop and then he hits a drop kick and he misses a splash into the corner but he lands on the turnbuckles and hits a double jump cross body for a near fall. Primo with a kick but Kofi with a leaping clothesline and then he sets for the Boom Drop and connects. Epico distracts Kofi as he sets for Trouble in Paradise, but Kofi hits SOS. Big E with a belly-to-belly to Titus. Woods with a sliding kick to Epico after Epico misses a lungblower. Big E tags in and they hit Midnight Hour for the three count.

Winners: Big E, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the main event angle from Raw.

We go to credits.