View Full Version : Spoiler Photo: Alberto El Patron Joins Impact Wrestling

03-04-2017, 04:51 AM
Former WWE Champion Alberto El Patron has officially joined Impact Wrestling. Alberto made his debut at Thursday night’s TV tapings and made a serious impact that you can watch on next week’s episode. We held off on mentioning the surprise debut to avoid spoilers, but Impact broke the news themselves this afternoon:

We'll just leave this here. See you Thursday Night @VivaDelRio ? pic.twitter.com/tOsNawKB7T


Alberto was referred to “Alberto De Patron” at last night’s tapings, but it seems he’s back to El Patron (?).

Earlier today, Alberto El Patron / De Patron / El Presidente posted the following on photo and message on Instagram. It sounds like he’ll be sticking around for a while, as he talks about Impact Wrestling being his new home. He also said it’s nice to not “wake up miserable” due to an unpleasant work environment and put the Impact Wrestling locker room over as being supportive of each other and watching each others matches backstage.

"Feels so good in my new home! Work is supposed to be fun and not waking up miserable. Loved that there's still a place where everyone backstage watches every match until the very end and also no one is "too good" to say hello.. very welcoming. Under some great minds and management. Excited for the future. #Sisisi #AndNewwww "

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