View Full Version : Dana White Rejects Claims of Date For Conor McGregor vs Floyd Mayweather Jr.

03-14-2017, 09:38 PM
UFC President Dana White looks to pour cold water over recent reports that the Conor McGregor vs Floyd Mayweather Jr. super-fight was set for June.

White allegedly spoke to TMZ on Tuesday, stating that the “Billion Dollar Fight” between one of boxing’s greatest luminaries and the UFC’s prized asset is “nowhere near being done”. White also scoffed at further reports claiming that a target date of June 10 are not to be believed in the slightest.

White is far from being removed from the perennial sideshow involving Mayweather Jr. and McGregor, having offered the 49-0 boxer $25 million dollars to step into the ring with the Dubliner. White insists that both men are no closer to making progress on the fight than they were last year.

White allegedly spoke with TMZ Sports on Tuesday, making a short, but unequivocally clear statement regarding the proposed fight:

“There is no target date whatsoever.”

It would not be hard to find many who would put money on this not being the last we have heard on the matter.