View Full Version : Tye Dillinger Praises WWE Coach, Talks Main Roster and WWE NXT Goal, More

03-29-2017, 04:54 PM
Tye Dillinger recently spoke with Brian Fritz of SportingNews.com to promote this weekend’s WWE NXT “Takeover: Orlando” event. The full interview is at this link and below are highlights:

Credit to WWE Coach Matt Bloom:

“Matt Bloom came in and took the reigns and took the brand in a very positive direction and took his talent in a very positive direction too. It’s under his reign when he first took over that my confidence started to take a turn for the better. Over time, working with guys like Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe, Finn Balor and things like that when these guys give you a verbal pat on the back and they kind of give you their stamp of approval, it doesn’t get much bigger than that for me. That was huge in turning things around for me, helping my confidence and helping this character’s confidence. You can’t really be a ‘Perfect 10’ unless you have some confidence and a little bit of attitude.”

If it’s harder to wait for the next opportunity now that he’s had a big moment like the Royal Rumble appearance:

“No, and the reason I say no is — and some people might not be believing that — is that one thing you need to have in this industry, one thing pretty close to the top is patience. Patience and attitude go a very long way. The Royal Rumble was a huge moment for me. It was a great moment for me. So, automatically people would be like ‘well, ‘Raw’ or ‘SmackDown’, WrestleMania.’ No, because NXT TakeOver is coming up and that is a huge, huge moment for me.”

“I kind of live by a certain credo: if I always stay ready then I never have to get ready. I’ve been living by that for the last 15 years. That’s across the board in all aspects, especially in WWE. Things constantly change. You have to be ready at any moment and it could change for any reason. When that moment comes, you better be ready to deliver. That’s what this industry is all about, that’s what those moments are all about, and that’s what we train so hard for.”

His goal in WWE:

“I’m not going to be one of the guys that, oh, he’s a catchy little character, that’s a catchy little hand sign and it’s pretty funny here and there and that’s it. No, I see myself as a main event talent here in NXT and I see myself as a main event talent in WWE on ‘Raw’ or ‘SmackDown’. That’s my goal. That’s always been the goal and that’s what I’ll continue to work towards.”