View Full Version : WrestleMania 33 Match in Jeopardy Due to Injury?

03-31-2017, 02:04 AM
Many fans have been saying that the John Cena/Nikki Bella vs. The Miz/Maryse tag match is one of the best hyped matches of WrestleMania 33. But the match could be in jeopardy due to Nikki Bella suffering a neck sprain.

Nikki posted a video on the Bella Twins YouTube channel from the Tampa General Hospital yesterday and revealed that she has re-injured her neck.

She said that she has a severe sprain, and that is why she wasn’t at live events last weekend. She claimed that she was getting more x-rays and to pray for good news.

No word yet on whether or not she will be apart of the match, but this is sad news either way.

You can watch the video below: