View Full Version : Sting Talks About Never Wrestling The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, More

04-26-2017, 06:45 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Sting spoke with Justin Barrasso of SI.com about various topics during WrestleMania weekend at WrestleCon. Here are some of the highlights.

Never wrestling The Undertaker:

“There was a worldwide desire to see that match,” said Sting. “It was a dream match for me, too. I regret not being able to get in the ring with him one time,” said Sting. “It would have been great, but I’m OK with the way it turned out. Of course, if I had a chance, I’d do it,” said Sting. “But look at ‘Taker’s career; did he miss out on anything? Look at my career. I don’t think I really missed out on anything, either.”

Who he would want to wrestle if he could:

“Oh, Taker, no question,” said Sting. “I always wanted it to happen. It would have been really good.”

Kurt Angle:

“Kurt is a lot like Shawn Michaels,” said Sting. “It didn’t matter who his opponent was, he could tear it up every single night. Some of the matches that I had with Kurt were the best matches I had, ever. Kurt Angle pushed me to my limit. He pushed me physically harder than any other wrestler ever pushed me. He is a machine, he can go all night.”