View Full Version : WWE 205 Live Results – 5/2/2017

05-03-2017, 03:51 PM

The show starts with a look at what happened at the end of Smackdown and Chris Jericho being helped to the back.

We take a look at Backlash where Neville retained the title thanks to the official disqualifying him.

We are in Fresno, California and your announcers are Corey Graves and Tom Phillips

TJ Perkins vs Lince Dorado

Dorado flips around and Perkins with a wrist lock. Perkins with a leg sweep and cover for a near fall. They lock up and Perkins with a wrist lock. Dorado with a reversal and arm drag. Dorado with kicks and he flips over Perkins. Dorado with a head scissors and Perkins goes to the floor. Dorado sets for a suicide dive but Perkins moves. Dorado with a kick and Asai Moonsault to Perkins followed by a chop.

Dorado with an Irish whip and back body drop. Dorado sends Perkins into the turnbuckles. Perkins hot shots Dorado onto the turnbuckles. Perkins with kicks and then he chokes Dorado in the ropes. Perkins with a slam and a slingshot senton. Perkins gets a near fall. Perkins with a reverse chin lock. Dorado with punches but Perkins with a back body drop. Perkins rakes the face with his boot and he gets a near fall. Perkins sends Dorado into the turnbuckles and then he is put on the turnbuckles. Perkins pulls at the mask but Dorado with an elbow and then he hits a moonsault double stomp and both men are down.

Dorado with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Dorado with an enzuigiri followed by a cross body and Dorado gets a near fall. Dorado with chops but he misses the handspring stunner. Perkins with a punch followed by a series of strikes. Dorado with a super kick for a near fall. Dorado gets a near fall but Perkins pulls at the mask and is able to apply the knee bar and Dorado taps out.

Winner: TJ Perkins

We go to commercial.

We are back and Corey Graves had a chance to talk to Brian Kendrick. Corey asks Brian about the issues between him and Akira Tozawa. Brian says he felt insulted. He says he has known Tozawa for years and supported him in Japan. He wanted Tozawa to be his protege. Tozawa was a star in Japan and he gets in front of these people in WWE and he thinks he knows it all. Whether he wanted to or not, Brian was going to teach Tozawa a lesson.

Brian says that Tozawa is trying to win over the fans instead of winning matches. Brian says he is done playing with Tozawa.

Tozawa kicks Kendrick and he says this is lesson number five. Always make an impact. Tozawa gives out a few ahs and we go to commercial.

Drew has a megaphone and he tells Mustafa Ali he is here to make an example of him. There is a No Fly Zone tonight. He says he is not lying, no high flying.

Drew says he wants to see 205 Live meet its true potential. Last week, Mustafa Ali was trying his reckless showboating but he stopped him. Then Ali attacked him. He will bring real change

Mustafa Ali vs Drew Gulak

Gulak with a side head lock and he keeps Ali from sending him off the ropes. Ali with elbows but Gulak with a shoulder tackle. Drew with a boot to the back when Ali drops down. Gulak with a hard Irish whip. Ali with an arm drag or two followed by a head scissors. Drew sends Ali to the apron and Ali with a forearm. Ali goes up top and Gulak goes to the apron on the other side of the ring. Ali returns to the mat and Drew with a shoulder to the midsection followed by kicks. Gulak and Ali with forearms.

Ali flips over Gulak but Gulak flips Ali with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Gulak with a side head lock and Ali with forearms. Ali with clotheslines and kicks followed by a drop kick. Ali misses a boot in the corner but Gulak misses a charge into the corner. Ali with a round kick followed by a rolling neck breaker. Ali goes to the turnbuckles but Gulak grabs the ankle. Ali with a kick to the head and Gulak goes down.

Ali goes up top and he goes for a frog splash but Gulak gets his knees up and then gets the three count with an inside cradle.

Winner: Drew Gulak

After the match, Drew is asked about his victory. He says this was vindication for his campaign. He has been saying that high flying does not work. You cheer for these superstars and you are leading them to their demise. You wanted Mustafa Ali to go up top and he crashed and burned. Ali lost the match. Drew says he is the future of 205 Live.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the issues between Rich Swann and Noam Dar.

Noam Dar vs Rich Swann

Swann with a side head lock and he takes Dar to the mat. Dar misses a punch in the corner and Swann with a head lock take down. Dar goes to the floor and Swann tries for a dive but Dar gets back into the ring. Swann goes for the knees and he applies a side head lock. Dar pulls the hair and Swann flips over Dar and punches Dar and takes Dar to the mat with a side head lock. Dar with a head scissors and Swann escapes. Swann with a drop kick and he gets a near fall.

Swann returns to the chin lock. Dar drops Swann on the top rope in an uncomfortable way and then Dar with a clothesline off the turnbuckles and Swann goes to the floor.. Dar sends Swann into the apron and then back into the ring. Dar kicks Swann and punches him. Dar with a kick and elbow to the back. Dar sends Swann into the turnbuckles and kicks Swann. Dar chokes Swann on the apron. Swann chops Dar and Dar kicks Swann in the back of the leg. Dar with a splash to the knee.

Dar with a butterfly suplex for a near fall followed by a reverse chin lock. Dar with a belly-to-back suplex and then he sets for the running kick but Swann moves. Swann with clotheslines followed by a back heel kick but Dar moves. Swann with punches to Dar. Dar sends Swann to the apron and Dar kicks Swann in the knee and Swann falls to the floor. Dar tries to send Swann into the announce table, but Swann blocks it and he sends Dar into the announce table. Dar and Swann exchange punches and Dar works on the shoulder and both men get back into the ring in time.

Swann sends Dar to the floor and Swann with a flip dive onto Dar. Swann drops Dar on the ringside barrier and Swann with a double jump guillotine leg drop. Swann brings Dar back into the ring and he sets for the Phoenix Splash and he hits it but Dar kicks out because Swann could not properly cover Dar. Dar works on the arm from the apron but Swann with a round kick and a rollup for a near fall.

Swann goes off the turnbuckles and Dar with a Fujiwara arm bar and Swann tries to escape. Dar rolls through to maintain the hold but Swann gets to the the ropes. Dar tries to stomp on the hand on the ropes but he misses. Swann with a super kick and he goes up top for the Phoenix Splash but Dar kicks Swann in the back. Dar with kicks to the arm and the referee warns Dar. Dar with a running kick for the three count.

Winner: Noam Dar

After the match, Alicia Fox’s music plays and she makes her way to the ring. They hug.

We go to credits.