View Full Version : Michael Chiesa Apologizes for Scuffle with Kevin Lee in Statement

05-13-2017, 05:47 PM
At Friday’s UFC Summer Kickoff press conference in Dallas, an unlikely duo came to blows: Michael Chiesa and Kevin Lee. The pair started things off cordially enough, but while Lee had the mic, he brought up Chiesa’s mother, and things went schoolyard very quick.

Responding to the incident, Chiesa has released an official video statement, apologizing for his behavior while still getting a jab in at his opponent.

“First and foremost, sorry to my friends, family, the UFC, my team for reacting the way I did. I pride myself on having very good temperament, I don’t ever get upset about anything. Nobody ever gets under my skin, but I can’t help it if someone talks about my mom. You’re gonna draw some emotion out of me, and that’s what happened. I let my emotions get the best of me. Won’t happen again, but in terms of another man talking about someone’s family. We’re out trying to promote fights, we’re out trying to bicker at each other back and forth and get some buzz going about our fights, and this guy wants to take things that far as to bring my mom into it. It’s very classless, that’s very low, and the best part is that in 44 days we get to fight about it. So, I’m going to focus on my training, I’m already in good shape, I’m gonna just keep do what I’m doing, and I’ll get my revenge in 44 days. If that cheap shot he landed on me is any indication of anything he’s in deep shit so. I mean I’m still ugly as f***, but as I had two guys holding me back, he landed one nice flush cheap shot and safe to say that guy couldn’t punch his way out of a wet paper bag…”

He signed off by saying “see you guys on June 25.” Chiesa and Lee headline UFC Fight Night 112 at the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Watch Chiesa’s statement below:

Punches were thrown between @MikeMav22 and Kevin Lee at a UFC presser on Friday.

Chiesa took a moment to respond after the scuffle. pic.twitter.com/CniZcGXjJt

— FOX Sports: PROcast (@PROcast) May 13, 2017